
Aug 17, 2003
Sheffield, England
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im sorry if you have seen this before and its old news not I have not seen
This is really old it was just a test 2 see if it could be done ... If it was redone with the new pocketquake sources with more asm then people believe it coule be 15 - 20 fps or so which would be fine.
Yeah, it's been around a good six months. I'll give you a bit more info:

It's based on the pocketPC port of Quake. It runs between 2 and 6 fps at the mo. The source is freely available, it was a very quick port. It based on the floating point version of the PocketPC code ( the GP doesn't have an FP unit, so it slowly converts them to integer) , and is largely unoptomised. Also it's rumoured to run at 99MHZ.

Since then the pocket PC code has been optomised into integer maths, which the GP likes best. Coupled with the fact that you could up the CPU to 133 and above, there are high hopes that someone will re-port it, and it will run well. If that coder could also optomise the rendering engine, and combines it with the integer pocketPC code, and bungs up the MHZ, I reckon you could be looking at between 20-25 fps. Here's hoping :)
Here's some more hopefulness - I don't suppose there's an SDL integer-based port, is there? It does seem to be being used in some remarkably good ones for lots of games, so might be a help if there is :D
It wont run on mine ether for some strange reasion.

just the menu.

or is that all thats suppost to happen??

when i click new game it just gose to the console and ses introduction at the bottom then i leave it 4 ages n nuthin happens.
Yeah there was a quake and the source is at gp32world i tryed to compile it as i had the new fixed point files done but i coudlnt compile it was mentioned in the dev forum

But crqaigx said he got it to compile and would try it out after doom but he never told me how to compile it :( bugger

but yeah doom is possible its only slow cause the 3d needs a maths co processor and these do not exsist on a gp32 but the new quake source has been converterd to fixed points so instead of calcualting the float points it runs on anything cpu

It runs quite full speed on PDA and it will on a gp32 :)

Well... the un-altered source from Andreas Granlund only ran on a 32mb smc... not sure about if its alterable to get it so it works on others... I assume so.