What Is Cramfs?

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I haven't been keeping on top of this myself either, but from searching through the forums it looks like its an optimised firmware which loads a lot faster than the official versions. Customised, feature rich and problem free firmwares are something im really looking forward to for gp2x. (as well as everything else of course!) ^_^
im not entirly sure but i think its a filesystem like fat32 or ntfs, made for nand memory could someone tell me if im right wrong or half way there thanks
cramfs is a readonly filesystem-driver for Linux.
As oddbots fastboot-firmware uses this filesystem for the NAND, it is write protected.
And most call it cramfs-Firmware ;)
That clears that up, thanks ED. Btw, this has been bugging me a little when i see it, what is that on the bottom left in your pic?
virusx posted on Mar 16 2006 at 12:58 PM said:
fade posted on Mar 16 2006 at 12:42 PM said:
...what is that on the bottom left in your pic?

His hand, you freak ! :P

His hand?? It looks nothing like a hand, a thumb perhaps, the baby's foot thing crossed my mind too :lol:
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