Asciipong2x Released

PokeParadox posted on Mar 12 2006 at 03:27 AM said:
It's Pong rendered in ASCII!
You can either play against the AI or Turn the GP2X sideways and play against a friend.

HeHe, my first TV console was a pong machine. :D

I spent some time with this game earlier about with this game, thanks.

I hope you don't mind that I decided to make you an icon. :)

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PSyMastR posted on Mar 12 2006 at 05:34 PM said:
I also made an icon, (Its in the other thread) but his is much better.

I said this in the other thread, but I'll proabably put them both in the next release, then people can choose.

I'm interested in what people think I should do with this. I mean apart from making the AI behave... like something not possessed by the devil.

Couple of ideas I have bouncing around:

Multiple ball spawning at a certain score,
"Wavey" ball return at a certain score,
Sticky Paddle - the ball sticks to the paddle?
Lasers - I have no Idea how I'll do it, or even what benefit having laser would be... but I have been bugged to implement lasers... *blinks*

Other ideas:
Adaptive AI based on current score? (This would come after the AI profiles are tuned better. and also after user-selectable Difficulty)

Any comments?
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I can't find the other thread?

@Psymastr, I'm sure your icon used more imagination than me just ripping of a pong cab, so I'll probably use yours, can somebody link me to it. Thanks.


I like the idea of adaptive AI with increasing difficullty, or speed inscreasing as the score goes up?
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NeoStuey posted on Mar 12 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
@PSyMastR, I'm sure your icon used more imagination than me just ripping of a pong cab, so I'll probably use yours, can somebody link me to it. Thanks.
I just made the icon using, you guessed it. Ascii. Its not too creative.
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PSyMastR posted on Mar 12 2006 at 08:12 PM said:
NeoStuey posted on Mar 12 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
@PSyMastR, I'm sure your icon used more imagination than me just ripping of a pong cab, so I'll probably use yours, can somebody link me to it. Thanks.
I just made the icon using, you guessed it. Ascii. Its not too creative.

I've seen and I like it, it's very creative. :D
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NeoStuey posted on Mar 12 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on Mar 12 2006 at 08:12 PM said:
NeoStuey posted on Mar 12 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
@PSyMastR, I'm sure your icon used more imagination than me just ripping of a pong cab, so I'll probably use yours, can somebody link me to it. Thanks.
I just made the icon using, you guessed it. Ascii. Its not too creative.

I've seen and I like it, it's very creative. :D
Thanks :D
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I already played it before you posted :D

I saw it in the archives.

EDIT: Its too hard now :P

EDIT2: I played for 4 min not losing a point nor gaining a point.
Wow... efficiency! ;)

Well let me know how you find the AI. ;)
I think it keeps jumping a couple of profiles, instead of just one. I'm thinking I might have to hardcode some point differences which trigger a certain profile, rather than trying to be all clever about it and automatically upgrade/degrade the profile...

EDIT: I think I know why that is... I haven't taken into account for the screen resolution differences for w32 and the GP2X for the values for the AI... doh! I tested it more on the W32 version since I edit it in VStudio... It starts on the NORMAL profile so it should be possible to beat it... try losing 1 point (then the ball starts off from a new position/velocity) Because sometimes the GP2X screen can keep the ball bouncing in the same pattern...(probably something else I should look into) :/
The only profile I see is it directly follows the ball's y axis. When the ball moves down, so does it, etc...
no I'm going to package them separately, the source will be separate available too. If you want the w32 version I can temp it to my sitespace. But I want to get the AI right before properly releasing this version tomorrow this is more a beta or prerelease (I suck at version numbers lol) I should have probably laballed it ASCIIPong2Xv0.4b .. oh well.

EDIT: Anyone wanting to try the prerelease W32 console version go here:

A,Z are UP,DOWN P1 and K,M are UP,DOWN for P2 respectively.
It uses the same codebase as the GP2X version.