Wonderswan emu


Still Fresh
Sep 3, 2003
i was wondering if there is a wonderswan color emulater for the GP32 that could easily play final fantasy 2 and 4
fWSC is in private beta stage, and yes, it plays FF2 - I've tried it. It's rlyeh's emu, and is in quite an early stage (plays at about 80%speed on FF2 as far as I can see!).

No idea when it'll be released, but stay tuned - you never know!
The current Wonderswan Emulator out publicly, WonderBoi, can play the FF1 and FF2j remakes flawlessly without sound. FF4 (FF2 US) plays at about 80% speed, again without sound. However, one may ask the question why you would wish to play FF4, in Japanese (no patches I know of) on a WSC emulator, when you could play FF4 Hardtype in English (w/ patch) on the SNES emulator...with or without sound.
generalnmx posted on Sep 3 2003 said:
The current Wonderswan Emulator out publicly, WonderBoi, can play the FF1 and FF2j remakes flawlessly without sound. FF4 (FF2 US) plays at about 80% speed, again without sound. However, one may ask the question why you would wish to play FF4, in Japanese (no patches I know of) on a WSC emulator, when you could play FF4 Hardtype in English (w/ patch) on the SNES emulator...with or without sound.
Mmmm, True. ;)

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I would like to note, since I've seen this quite a few places, that fWS32 IS actually Wonderboi. I mean, it's a continuation by Rlyeh of Wonderboi code. I'm not asking for a lot of credit, but a little would be nice. :P
Rattboi posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
I would like to note, since I've seen this quite a few places, that fWS32 IS actually Wonderboi. I mean, it's a continuation by Rlyeh of Wonderboi code. I'm not asking for a lot of credit, but a little would be nice. :P
I realized that a while ago ;)

Props to both you and rlyeh!
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Rattboi posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
I would like to note, since I've seen this quite a few places, that fWS32 IS actually Wonderboi. I mean, it's a continuation by Rlyeh of Wonderboi code. I'm not asking for a lot of credit, but a little would be nice. :P
*wishes Rattboi was still working on it* ;)

You had the desire to get it to work good! We spoke before and I remember.
Thats too bad. :unsure:
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FF4j on WSC is essentially the same as on SNES, but the music's a little different due to different SPU's and the graphics are much, much better. If you've played it through before, I really would play it on WSC. I mean, let's face it...why would a 'dark knight' wear sky blue armor? On WSC I remember it being grey, which is much better!

And in case if anyone else doesn't know, FF1 and FF2 were translated. The translation isn't perfect and I didn't check if they were complete, but essentially they're identical to what's on FFOrigins on PSone. Just not FMV, of course. All features, ie the run button and auto targeting, are there to turn on/off.
Yo Octavius,

Yeah, I gave it to Rlyeh because I was hoping he could do something with it. He DID do a lot of stuff with the graphics code to make that faster, but actually, it's still slow because he ran into the same wall as I did. Goddamn slower-than-hell-to-emulate CPU! It's basically a 80186, and basically, there is slim picking for a CPU core for it. It's using a MAME core now, and everyone knows MAME isn't known for it's speed. If we could just get some CPU core that was 2x as fast, Wonderswan emulation could be perfect on GP32. Until someone has the initiative to write something new cpu core(something I am probably not ready for), it's stuck in it's semi-slow state :(. Who knew when I started porting OSwan more than a year ago that it'd be harder to emulate than the NES? Strange, eh?