Mame Gp2x 1.7 Is Out ! ! ! ! !

What a beautiful Emu!

I will donate this week! We all should...
Yes, a very beautiful picture indeed... it's actually in focus! First time I see that on these forums. :P
thanks. haha i do see the occasional in focus picture. but as for the shaky handed of you (you know who you are!) here are some problems and solutions.

first of all...use a digital camera as opposed to cell phone etc, if you have one. otherwise, use what you've got i guess.

motion blur...put the camera down. don't try to hold it still...there isn't enough light for that, and if there was (you're outside, it's sunny, or you use a flash) the screen would be too dark to see. this also means you have to prop up the gp2x vertically on something. i used a pillow.

focus...most cameras and even web cams will autofocus but cell phone cameras need to be held at the proper distance.

size...smaller is better! scale it down with whatever software you like, it doesn't take long.

no need to get fancy with a tripod or whatever. but here's a good trick...i've found that in general, even if i'm taking pictures outside or whatever, the best thing is to find something to steady the camera against (lamp post, car hood, whatever)

i'm a photo nerd, what can i say. at least i don't have one of those vests with all the lenses in it. i'd only wear one of those if i was a pro/there was money involved. no offence to the many-pocketed-jacket lovers out there. :)
TKF15H posted on Feb 25 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
Yes, a very beautiful picture indeed... it's actually in focus! First time I see that on these forums. :P
You need to look harder, there's more than one person who knows what macro focus is :lol:
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just curious, are you using a tripod? cause if not you have some damn good coordination. also you should white'd give the final touch to some already nice shots. and it's a huge pita to try and correct color temperature in photoshop once the picture's already taken.

ever try neat image? i think it's the bees knees...there's a free version but i actually bought a copy of the pro version so i could use it as a photoshop plugin. although you might not need it as your pics are actually pretty grain-free.
rokdcasbah posted on Feb 26 2006 at 12:18 AM said:
just curious, are you using a tripod? cause if not you have some damn good coordination.
Nope, just holding the gp2x in one hand and the camera in the other ;)
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Indiana Jones still doesn't work without sound (you can not insert coin!)
With sound is ok but very very slow (unplayable).

This is not a problem with the GP2X mame. It does not work because the sound chip is also used for coin input. :lol: So if you turn off the sound, no coin input. The only way around this is to load it with sound, go into maintenance mode and change it to free play, exit so it will save a .cfg file. Then you should be able to play without sound.'

This is true for all atari system 1 games.

Has anyone managed to get Rainbow Islands to work in this (or any other) version of Mame GP2X? It loads, but there's no sound or enemies so it's not really playable

For a long time Mame did not have sound in Rainbow Islands. Mame GP2X uses a fairly old version of Mame so it may have been before sound was added.
>The only way around this is to load it with sound, go into maintenance mode and change it to free play, exit so it will save a .cfg file.

Sorry I try but how can I go in to the maintenance mode ?
Can't do it with GP2X mame.

What you might be able to do is get the pc version of mame that GP2X mame is based on and do it in there and then copy the .cfg file over to your memory card.
I confirm that occassionally, under CramFS, Mame will just up and quit out of nowhere.

I'm GUESSING it has to do with the 'automatic recovery' of a crash that we don't see on the MAME level that the firmware catches and resets to the menu.
Shane R. Monroe posted on Feb 28 2006 at 10:19 PM said:
I confirm that occassionally, under CramFS, Mame will just up and quit out of nowhere.

I'm GUESSING it has to do with the 'automatic recovery' of a crash that we don't see on the MAME level that the firmware catches and resets to the menu.
That never happends to me. Hm...

Also, anyone notice that the roms of Galaga 1981 (Midway, Namco, Bootleg, and Fast Shoot) dont allow the continuation past 1 credit. I played the old galaga and remember multiple credits. Hm...

(Yes, i played the original machine, not the 20th anniversary eddition with mrs pacman)
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WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 26 2006 at 01:58 PM said:
hey rokdcasbah at some good tips at now I can finally take better shots of whats happening on the screen :)

EDIT: Uhm, sorry for an offtopic post :unsure:

Isn't "Hexxagon 2" (picture above) a DOS game? How do you get it running on the GP2x (and what script)?
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PSyMastR posted on Feb 28 2006 at 10:45 PM said:
Also, anyone notice that the roms of Galaga 1981 (Midway, Namco, Bootleg, and Fast Shoot) dont allow the continuation past 1 credit. I played the old galaga and remember multiple credits. Hm...

(Yes, i played the original machine, not the 20th anniversary eddition with mrs pacman)

A dip switch probably needs to be changed, but GP2X mame does not allow us to access the menu yet.
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I want to second the inexplicable quit of the emulator when you load some games.
As I don't have my GP in front of me now I can't list specifics (sorry), but it's with the cramfs filesystem (fastboot firmware).
Chances are the cramFS issues have to do with the NAND being read only. I would not be surprised if Mame GP2X writes to it when extracting zip files. This is just a guess and if true I'm sure the cramFS creators will figure out a way around it.

Meanwhile a good way to test it would be to take a mame game. Say "dkong", create a directory called "dkong" and unzip the files into there, and remove the zip file.

See if the same problem occurs.