What a beautifull picture! 
Nope, just holding the gp2x in one hand and the camera in the otherrokdcasbah posted on Feb 26 2006 at 12:18 AM said:just curious, are you using a tripod? cause if not you have some damn good coordination.
Indiana Jones still doesn't work without sound (you can not insert coin!)
With sound is ok but very very slow (unplayable).
Has anyone managed to get Rainbow Islands to work in this (or any other) version of Mame GP2X? It loads, but there's no sound or enemies so it's not really playable
That never happends to me. Hm...Shane R. Monroe posted on Feb 28 2006 at 10:19 PM said:I confirm that occassionally, under CramFS, Mame will just up and quit out of nowhere.
I'm GUESSING it has to do with the 'automatic recovery' of a crash that we don't see on the MAME level that the firmware catches and resets to the menu.
WhiteFalcon posted on Feb 26 2006 at 01:58 PM said:
PSyMastR posted on Feb 28 2006 at 10:45 PM said:Also, anyone notice that the roms of Galaga 1981 (Midway, Namco, Bootleg, and Fast Shoot) dont allow the continuation past 1 credit. I played the old galaga and remember multiple credits. Hm...
(Yes, i played the original machine, not the 20th anniversary eddition with mrs pacman)