The Bomb Joystick Fix


Aug 14, 2004
Ok, I've done this about a fortnight ago and thought it might work for others. To get grip on the original 2x joystick I have got a waterbomb (balloon), chopped off the top and the bottom so that what was left is a GP2x 'boob tube' thats about as wide as the joystick diameter. Put the joystick in said tube and put it back onto the 2x, squwering (sp?) it with the pole thing. After a while it gets bedded in and gives grip on the joystick top :D

I tried to fit the end of a bomb over the joystick, which looked ace but interfered with the bottom of the stick and stopped it working :(

Another one that also worked well was putting hot glue gun glue on the top. That worked good too but looked naff. You can get black glue, which would probably look good but I can only see it for sale on hair stylist websites and I'd feel like a right twonk ordering it and getting it showing on my credit card statement (esp' cos I'm blonde) :lol:
GP40 posted on Feb 22 2006 at 09:55 PM said:
and I'd feel like a right twonk ordering it and getting it showing on my credit card statement (esp' cos I'm blonde) :lol:

Hahaha.. ouch. My sides hurt.
could you use a johnny instead of a balloon, coz that would impress the chicks! :rolleyes:
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I'll see if I can get some pics tonight or tommorrow. I'm going out to the ice hockey now (to see notts v cologne) :P

It dont look all that pretty but at least now I can make a tight u-turn in the snake game.

See, a section of the bomb cut out and placed around the stick, then squewered on.

Fitting the top bulb part over it dont work cos the double thickness stops the pad from working. Plus with a red bomb it looks like a nibble :lol:

Trashman posted on Feb 23 2006 at 01:21 AM said:
could you use a johnny instead of a balloon, coz that would impress the chicks! :rolleyes:

No cos johnys are for use with the other handheld joystick toy :P
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TelcoLou posted on Feb 24 2006 at 07:27 PM said:

Nice! Not nearly the ugliest mod ever, but damn close :lol:

i tihnk i won that prize a while back. :D

if you were wondering, that broke a week or so after i posted about it :D
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TelcoLou posted on Feb 24 2006 at 08:27 PM said:

Nice! Not nearly the ugliest mod ever, but damn close :lol:

Ugliest? You didn't see the hot glue gun mod :P

That coulda won it :lol:
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Ok doke. Heres markII:-


Only just finished this so I've only done a 1hr or so gaming with it. Observations so far are that its a little less grippy than the mkI but loads better looking. Plus it shouldn't need re-adjusting all the time and it is easier to register the movement.

This one was done with a square piece of rubber as wide as the joystick. Then I wrapped each corner over to the underside and over the shaft and put the joystick back on.

I'm running out of bombs now :o but improvements could be:- a circle of rubber under the bit mentioned above to help with better grip, and putting pritt stick or talc under it to make sure it dont slip.
So basically the metal pin that goes into the cap stabbed a hole through the rubber? That's a pretty simple mod. You need a black balloon though, it would look better, but red is ok.

I wonder if a company could make cap 'condoms', a small rubber that could slip over the cap with a thin ring so it wouldn't affect how far you could move the stick.

second exodous posted on Mar 6 2006 at 09:09 PM said:
So basically the metal pin that goes into the cap stabbed a hole through the rubber? That's a pretty simple mod. You need a black balloon though, it would look better, but red is ok.


Yep that's it Stan :)

I am looking for a black bomb. I thought the red is not too bad as a temp colour though cos it goes with the 'x' of the GP2x logo :)
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It looks like it's stretched pretty far, how did you hold the corners while you put the cap back on? Was it a nuisance?

The dollar store down the street has black balloons, since you don't have to worry about the more narrow necks of the bombs compared to normal balloons you could use either, and I'm guessing a black balloon would be easier to find.

Keep editing this post, but are the sides of the cap too sharp? Do you think you should file them down?

I got some black balloons last night and tried your method. Just wrapping them around the base and piercing it with the metal pin made the cap a diamond shape so the rubber hit sides. This was only the case on the left side, my sick is leaning slightly more to the left, so I guess if you sick was perfect then this would matter.

What I ended up doing was cutting 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch square, then making slits in the corners, then attaching the holes on the part that goes on the metal pin so the shape of the cap wasn't changed. I know it's confusing, tonight I'll post some pics of how I did it. I couldn't cut a perfect square as I'm terrible with small shapes and scissors so I got an X-Acto knife with a rounded blade and 'rocked' around a cube that was 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch. Anyway, I'll post pics of my method in case anyone is interested.

However, the differ is AMAZING (bolded, italiced, underlined, etc. for emphases). There is no more slipping and I have much better control over stick.

It cost me 97 cents for the balloon and if you're skilled enough/don't care how it looks then you can just use scissors and make the slits/holes with a knife rather than getting a X-Acto knife.

Just a thought.....what about stretching out one of those headphone "earbud" covers, you know, the little black foam coverings that go over the earbud that you put in your ears, onto the stock joystick? That might work pretty good and look pretty decent too. :)
Knoxximus posted on Mar 8 2006 at 07:43 PM said:
Just a thought.....what about stretching out one of those headphone "earbud" covers, you know, the little black foam coverings that go over the earbud that you put in your ears, onto the stock joystick? That might work pretty good and look pretty decent too. :)
I don't think the foam I've seen on them will really enhance grip it might even make it worse!
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