Up Switching


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2006
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This has been mentioned previously, but as part of non specific threads. So, here's a specific one.

When playing some older games on older system emus (gpxpecturm, vice2x etc) we are emulating a joystick, usually on the 2x's stick. Now we know there are problems with the over-ease of pushing a diagonal instead of a left or right, and this causes a problem when playing old platformers where 'up' on the joystick was jump. On the 2x we have several buttons that, in these cases, aren't really in use. What I'd like to see is an 'Up Switch' option in emu's menus that maps the 'up' function of a joystick to a button in stead of the stick, and so that the 'up' function of the stick is not assigned.

Would this be possible/easy?

While Im at it i'd like to show a bit of appreciation for the emu's we do have so far. Amazing, vice2x makes me so happy so I can now play my favorite ever game, Creatures, on the way to work! Now, if we can get the speed up on creaures 2...
I think I get what he's saying, that up should be optionally mapped to a button rather than up itself, but shouldn't this be in Cool ideas and other wishes?
nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 11:32 AM said:
...up should be optionally mapped to a button rather than up itself..

Spot on.

nickspoon posted on Feb 13 2006 at 11:32 AM said:
...but shouldn't this be in Cool ideas and other wishes?

You're right, how do i move it, or can someone else do that. Sorry, over zealous posting.
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Quite easy to do too, but I'd imagine most people (like me) will be too lazy to implement the gui for it, instead spending the time trying to make the emu faster or something, but you never know.
I agree Squidge. Speed and general compatibility is way more important than putting in options to tackle the 2x's hardware short comings, which is why I wondered whether it was something easy to do.
It shouldn't be a problem with Spectrum emulators at least, you can normally (though not always) redefine keys - just assign a key to whichever button, set the joystick to emulate Interface II (which IIRC uses keys 6,7,8 and 9 for directions) and there you go.

Interestingly, gp2xspectrum does this by default with Manic Miner. When I first tried Fuse the miner was jumping all over the place due to the diagonals, with gp2xspectrum the Jump button's already mapped to A.
camokid posted on Feb 13 2006 at 12:08 PM said:

This has been mentioned previously, but as part of non specific threads. So, here's a specific one.

When playing some older games on older system emus (gpxpecturm, vice2x etc) we are emulating a joystick, usually on the 2x's stick. Now we know there are problems with the over-ease of pushing a diagonal instead of a left or right, and this causes a problem when playing old platformers where 'up' on the joystick was jump. On the 2x we have several buttons that, in these cases, aren't really in use. What I'd like to see is an 'Up Switch' option in emu's menus that maps the 'up' function of a joystick to a button in stead of the stick, and so that the 'up' function of the stick is not assigned.

Would this be possible/easy?

While Im at it i'd like to show a bit of appreciation for the emu's we do have so far. Amazing, vice2x makes me so happy so I can now play my favorite ever game, Creatures, on the way to work! Now, if we can get the speed up on creaures 2...

All issues with the gp2x's stick were discussed in deep. I have some ideas too however as it seems there is not much interest in implementing more sophisticated methods of reading its output. This is unfortunate thought I can understand why that's so. The common way of using gp2x's stick works anyway, isn't it?
(sometimes very unreliable but doh... it works!) ;)

We could use a wrapper - some kind of driver what could be running in a background and filtering the stick's events. This way aplication wouldn't have to implement anything as it'd be just reading the stick like before.

Perhaps a good idea would be to implement it in a firmware? But I don't think that GPH is willing to do such thing.

If someone could provide me with frame of such code in C (just wrapper without functionality) I could add implementation of my "TimeGate" algo to it.
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