Gngeo Gfx Dump & The Last Blade 2


Nov 18, 2005
has anyone ran the gfx dump on the last blade 2?

it says Couldn't load

i'm doing the same as ive done ofr all the rest i even tried editing the romrc
i think some games are too large, even with dumpgfx. i cant get pulstar and a couple others to run...i don't think every single game is supported.
CyberAxe posted on Feb 10 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
has anyone ran the gfx dump on the last blade 2?

it says Couldn't load

i'm doing the same as ive done ofr all the rest i even tried editing the romrc

The wiki says yes. :P

Sorry couldn't resist that one, but does anybody check the wiki? :unsure:

I spent many hours testing various titles and posting the results there. By the way it needs updating for 0.6.9 and I'm looking for a job so if you want to help it would be really appreciated. :)

Anyway, the rom I tried contained.


old mame set of lastbld2 game lastbld2 MVS "The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekkano Kenshi"

I have had some success with renaming the roms in the .zip to match the names used in the romrc instead of editing the romrc.

If you get stuck feel free to PM me, I'll be looking at internet jobsites in the meantime. ;)
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CyberAxe posted on Feb 10 2006 at 09:21 AM said:
has anyone ran the gfx dump on the last blade 2?

it says Couldn't load

i'm doing the same as ive done ofr all the rest i even tried editing the romrc

it worked for me, and you don't have to edit your romrc.try to get another version of this rom.If modify your romrc for the dumpgfx you'll have to do with the romrc of the emu too.


herc. :ph34r:
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rokdcasbah posted on Feb 10 2006 at 09:54 AM said:
i think some games are too large, even with dumpgfx. i cant get pulstar to run...

:blink: What?

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whiskthecat posted on Feb 10 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
Theres always neocd.

You are joking, right? :unsure:

That's Pulstar running on GnGeo2X with full sound support and an average of 45fps.

In the beginning there was NeoCDGP2X and it was good.. :) No longer under development. :(

Then came GnGeo2X and it is better,...............much better :D pepone is very active and has made tremendous progress and is still offering to implement new ideas to increase it's performace and compatibility. :D

If you haven't already you should try GnGeo2X, you'll thank yourself that you did.
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I have 2 questions :

- NeoStuey : When you say that it runs with sound @ 45 fps, does it mean that the game is slow or does it mean that you use frameskip ?

- Does anybody get strikers45+ working with sound ?

Thanks a lot !
osn19 posted on Feb 10 2006 at 09:27 AM said:

I have 2 questions :

- NeoStuey : When you say that it runs with sound @ 45 fps, does it mean that the game is slow or does it mean that you use frameskip ?

- Does anybody get strikers45+ working with sound ?

Thanks a lot !

Stikers45+ isn't even in the romrc file. In fact, I have been having a lot of problems with the rom information in romrc. One example is garou. None of the sets I've found look anything like the one in romrc.
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osn19 posted on Feb 10 2006 at 02:27 PM said:
NeoStuey : When you say that it runs with sound @ 45 fps, does it mean that the game is slow or does it mean that you use frameskip ?
Thanks a lot !

I mean that it runs at almost full speed and is very playable. :D

osn19 posted on Feb 10 2006 at 02:27 PM said:
Does anybody get strikers45+ working with sound ?

I think it was Ks5202 who added the information saying Striker1945plus was working, he reads and posts on this board, you could try sending him a PM to ask him what he did? I don't know if he tested it with sound or it might just be the same as with some of the other large games that there isn't enough RAM available to load the sounds as well.

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chronomitch posted on Feb 10 2006 at 02:34 PM said:
One example is garou. None of the sets I've found look anything like the one in romrc.

garou is listed twice in the romrc. prototype set 253-c1p.bin etc and old mame set motw_c1.rom. If it helps the romset I tried contained motw_c1.rom etc.

What trouble have you had with it? Are you not able to create a graphics dump or are you not able to run the game?

I did some digging around, if you follow the post below and follow the replies you should be able to see what you've got to do.

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NeoStuey posted on Feb 10 2006 at 10:03 AM said:
whiskthecat posted on Feb 10 2006 at 01:34 PM said:
Theres always neocd.

You are joking, right? :unsure:

That's Pulstar running on GnGeo2X with full sound support and an average of 45fps.

In the beginning there was NeoCDGP2X and it was good.. :) No longer under development. :(

Then came GnGeo2X and it is better,...............much better :D pepone is very active and has made tremendous progress and is still offering to implement new ideas to increase it's performace and compatibility. :D

If you haven't already you should try GnGeo2X, you'll thank yourself that you did.

wow, that's exiting, i was really looking forward to playing it. i'll have to do some more fiddling, i guess. but i was getting out of memory error and i assumed that that meant that even with dumpgfx i didn't have enough memory.
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