Quick Questions


Still Fresh
Feb 9, 2006
Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States of Hypocrisy
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Hi everyone, I recently came across the GP2X from a topic on the Gentoo Linux forum, and it looks really really cool. After doing some research, I wanted to ask a few questions before I bought one.

1. How hard is this to take apart? I'd like to paint the case because I don't think black would appeal to me very much, and the whitish version shown in some pictures looks even worse. I'm sure this would void the warranty, but that's fine. And while I'm at it, I'll probably buy the other joystick from DaveC and add that as well.

2. Would a wireless adapter work for the USB slot if we were given the kernel source so we could then compile support for it in? I'd like to browse the web via the GP2X if possible, just cause that's cool.

3. I've heard of a problem with someone connecting via USB 2.0 under Linux, he had to disable the ehci driver so it would only operate at USB 1.1, is there some known problem with that?

4. SD cards, in the SD card compatibility thread that's stickied, it says that 2 gig and higher capacities aren't supported yet, is that only with old firmware, and if so, if I bought one now, would it already include firmware that supported SD cards that are 2 gigs or higher?

Thanks for any advice given. :) Looks like a great system, and for less than $200 to boot.
1. How hard is it to take apart?
screwdriver and 3 minutes max.

2. Would a wireless adapter work for the USB slot if we were given the kernel source so we could then compile support for it in? I'd like to browse the web via the GP2X if possible, just cause that's cool.
sure. I don't think anybody is doing this right now, but it's possible.

3. I've heard of a problem with someone connecting via USB 2.0 under Linux, he had to disable the ehci driver so it would only operate at USB 1.1, is there some known problem with that?
Yes there's a problem, it's slow :P
usb connection on the 2x is still generally somewhat iffy--though I haven't had any problems. If you have problems, it will probably be the 2x's fault rather than your controller.

4. SD cards, in the SD card compatibility thread that's stickied, it says that 2 gig and higher capacities aren't supported yet, is that only with old firmware, and if so, if I bought one now, would it already include firmware that supported SD cards that are 2 gigs or higher?
The SD problems have been gradually disappearing. 2gig works more often than not, and the only 4 gig I heard of being plugged into it just happened to work. When the kernel source is released I'd imagine these problems will magically go away within a week.

Thanks for any advice given. :) Looks like a great system, and for less than $200 to boot.
just don't expect it to stay at the $200 price point. Once you get it, a good set of nimhs, a wall plug, whatever SD, screen protector, joystick cap--you get the idea. It's not a bargain system--except on the software end.
Thanks for your help. Looks good. With all that extra stuff, it shouldn't be more than $300 in total, unless I got a really good SD card, 2 gigs or more, right?

And I remembered a few other questions I had:

5. Are there currently any graphing calculator programs that will run under the GP2X? And if so, how well do they work?

6. Where's a good place to buy from? :)

Thanks again.
5. No. There's a simple calculator, but nothing else as far as I know.
6. For UK, gbax.com, for rest of Europe, shop.gp2x.de, for USA, gp32z.com, and for anywhere else, play-asia.com.
Ah, sorry about that, I forgot that I didn't put my location in. :) I'm in Arizona.

Ok, I'll probably order it tonight, thanks for your help everyone.

A graphing calculator program isn't a necessity for me, but it would be nice to have... I think there's currently some for Linux, does anyone think there might be some for the GP2X in the future?

Edit: Oh, sorry... One last question, I've been hearing about good batteries needed for the GP2X, ones that are 2500 mAh I think, and they're rechargable. Could I pick up ones like that along with a charger at a local store, Home Depot, Walmart, or would I be better off buying them online? Thanks!
Eidi posted on Feb 9 2006 at 05:59 PM said:
Ah, sorry about that, I forgot that I didn't put my location in. :) I'm in Arizona.

Ok, I'll probably order it tonight, thanks for your help everyone.

Welcome aboard! I'm in Oklahoma, btw. GP2X's seem to be sparse in the south-central US.
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Sorry, had to post again. I edited my above post asking about batteries, but that was a bit late I guess. I was wondering where I should buy batteries, I've heard 2500 mAh is good, but where can I buy some as well as a charger?

And I had another question, I've heard that newer units don't include thermal pads. When I open mine up to do some modding, should I slap some AS5 and small heat sinks on so I can overclock the processors some? Might be fun to do. :)
Regarding the USB issue, just grab a SD card reader/writer and save yourself a whole load of trouble.
Eidi posted on Feb 9 2006 at 04:17 PM said:
Sorry, had to post again. I edited my above post asking about batteries, but that was a bit late I guess. I was wondering where I should buy batteries, I've heard 2500 mAh is good, but where can I buy some as well as a charger?

And I had another question, I've heard that newer units don't include thermal pads. When I open mine up to do some modding, should I slap some AS5 and small heat sinks on so I can overclock the processors some? Might be fun to do. :)

there is only one chip, a lot of people never think to check out the hardware end of things, there is only one chip with all the cores integrated into it.


To heatsink it I wouldn't go farther than a piece of aluminum or copper sheet maybe up to 2mm thick or so. I also think it unnecessary, removing the rubber probably does enough to cool them, to overclock more stably I would try a 3 AA battery mod so it gets enough juice and takes a bit of the load off the voltage regulator

I got an 8 pack from Sam's Club in the US, with charger and for only $20, 2500mAh NiMH. I think that deal is gone, but now they have a pack for $25 that has 4 AAA at 800mAh in addition to the above stuff.
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GAAAAAAAAAAAH! This sucks! I ordered a GP2X a few days after this, around the 11th or 12th I think, from GP32z.com, and it still hasn't arrived! I don't blame GP32z at all though, I blame USPS.

I have tracking info, but it says it was delivered to Yorba Linda, CA. When it was supposed to be shipped to Hereford, AZ. I called up my local post office first, and they said to try and call Yorba Linda, which I did. They said it might have been shipped from there, which is possible. And if I don't receive it by Monday (Which was President's day, so I waited until Tuesday) then I should call the company. Well, I can't find a number for GP32z, but I've tried emailing, and they all kept bouncing back, so that's why I'm complaining here.

I don't think it was the fault of GP32z though, I'm blaming USPS cause it said it was delivered to fucking Yorba Linda.

I'm gonna try calling Yorba Linda again, see what's up.

Anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks.

GAH! I hate USPS.

Edit: Ok, just found out why I can't email GP32z, but USPS still sucks!
Play-Asia.com sells their products internationally actually. Even better yet, they have dropped the price of the GP2X down to $169.99 USD and you can participate in the "Lucky Lunar New Year Draw Event" where you can win some neat stuff. The only bad thing at the moment is their lack of GP2X TV-Out cables. They have been on back order for almost a month now :(
Yeah, but I already ordered it. :(

And I just got off the phone with David from GP32z.com, gave him my name and order # and he said he'll look into it for me. I think I sounded like a crazy man though, I hope he doesn't brush it off as some cook. I'm just really annoyed with USPS cause I think it's their fault. lol

Hopefully, I will receive my GP2X soon!

And David is pretty cool about it all, btw. Hopefully he can get it straightened out cause I dunno WTF is going on.
For other ppl not the OP, I recently ordered my GP2X from Play Asia - it took 2.5 days to get from Hong Kong to Brisbane Australia. They have stock and a price tag of USD$169.95.

BTW, get a carry case and wrist strap, they are so worth it.