Fight Cube On Gp2x


Still Fresh
Dec 8, 2005
Screenshoots of Fight Cube (Preview) from int13 on the GP2X


In Game :



Well, commercial games finally, good work :)

Songo, are you (INT13) going to port other games to GP2x?, like Crazy Kart.
Hi all GP2X lovers,

In fact Crazy Kart will not be ported on the GP2X...
But its sequel, Crazy Kart 2 will... :)

You can see an early video capture (with lots of lacking features, such as 3D objects, particle effect, animated HUD and AI opponents) here :

We already tested an alpha of the game on our recently received GP2x, and so far the performances seems quite good, it's running at 60 FPS with near maximum quality rendering, and some optimisations are still on their way.

For example we are in discussion with GPH to change the framebuffer MMU configuration to enable "caching", which is disabled by default and unfortunately kills the graphics perfomances of the device...

The game is originally designed to be multiplayer over Wifi / BlueTooth or internet for PocketPC and SmartPhone devices, too bad the GP2x does not have wireless networking capabilities yet...

Please don't ask for a release date : our answer will be : "when it's done"
wow ... looks nice. Will there be sd-cards made for this game or will ist be a download-game like it was with games from joygp?

/me preferres to have something in his hand (a box, a SD-Card with a cover ...)
Well, I suppose some of the outputs on the EXT port could be used for multiplayer communications, but it would either require a link cable or a wireless module (like the GP32 had, that I actually bought and now have absolutely no use for).

Possibly the GP32 unofficial Bluetooth module could be modified to work with GP2X?
Looking great and I'm certainly keeping my eyes open on the developments from int13 - nice to see some great looking commercial games coming over :)

wow ... looks nice. Will there be sd-cards made for this game or will ist be a download-game like it was with games from joygp?

/me preferres to have something in his hand (a box, a SD-Card with a cover ...)

For me, I'd personally much prefer a downloadable format. First, I hate having to pay a lot more due to postage into the UK (Once when I bought something, the postage was more than the product!).

Second, having to have one SD card with 1 game on it, and another with my other stuff seems inconvenient, especially if we buy lots of commercial programs and they do similar things. Part of the attraction of the gp2x is having it all in one, without needing to change cartridges or carry cartridges around, hehe.

Still, it'd be nice either way :)


As for connectivity, it's still early days. I'm looking forward to seeing what ingenious things people come up with to solve this one, hehe.
I'd like an SD card instead of downloads, because then all the space on my SD cards could be used for non-commercial games and programs. ;)
So what's this, Tetris? I don't know if I'd buy that, unless it's got a ton of extra features that haven't come out in this thread. I'm looking forward to the arcade pack, though. I'd buy that at the price it's listed at for Pocket PC.
Let's be honest - games like Tetris are available on each console emulated - which means if you have the ROMs, you have the game for free. Why pay for it as a commercial game? There are also shooters and racing games which come into this category too.

Sure, have commercial games too, but they have to be DIFFERENT and there has to be a reason for them - eg I got a Nintendo DS (purely) to play Super Mario DS it is even better than the N64 version and not available on any other formats - not yet another version of Tetris or carts! (get the point?)...

Units like PSP lock out emulation, so you have to pay inflated prices for games or do without; the GP2x is the opposite, so the games have to be special to warrant playing them - not just "re-hashes".
Theres already 3 freeware tetris games out anyway :P For comercial games to be worth it they have to have some decent imagination or at least something inventive behind it. Krazy Karts fairly rubbish to begin with, especially next to Mario Kart, which should be fully playable in no time.

Sorry, but I dont see why anyone would really pay for these games.
I personally disagree with you guys, I think that commercial games by programmers dedicated to it for financial gain will push their talents to the max, (not that the homebrew guys aren't pushing their talents), so It should be a very fun game to play. Keep up the good work on that krazy karts 2 game int13 :D
Nobody has mentioned the fact of copy protection and wether commercial viable games will make it due to people just making the games available to download illegally.
Makes me wonder what future there is for commercial stuff on this platform. :(
StephC_int13 posted on Feb 2 2006 at 12:00 AM said:
For example we are in discussion with GPH to change the framebuffer MMU configuration to enable "caching", which is disabled by default and unfortunately kills the graphics perfomances of the device...
Is it the same problem than the one pointed out by squidge in this thread :
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It's not strictly tetris though. First of all, it's quite polished, which is nice. But moreover, it has some rather interesting features.

Multiplayer (This will be better when the gp2x (hopefully) gets some method of network play). However, it does have VS the CPU as well, which adds a whole new dimension to the game. Playing tetris with yourself is one thing, playing against the computer to see who can come out on top is another.

In the multiplayer mode, it would also appear to have a bit of a tetrinet twist to it:

If you clear more than two lines at a time they get added to your opponent's stack. That's where the "fight" comes into it. Clearing multiple lines delivers a hit to your opponent pushing them closer to the top.

So there's therefore a little more skill to be considered ;) - Just a shame it doesn't have powerups like tetrinet to use on opponents. That would make it amazing :D
anyone ever played nyet 3? that's a great and unique tetris clone...all of the boards are basically time-based puzzles which can be made easier by buying items (if you have enough money from completing earlier boards). very fun.