Battery Problem, But Is This Fix Ok?


Jan 11, 2006
USA... I feel lonely, not that many people from US
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Well it seems after a few too many droppings while it was in the official case (never dropped it outside of the case yet), the connect for the battery "pushed in", and now my top battery compartment is too large to hold the battery and just falls out.

That's not the question though: my question is, is this super duper cheap mod ok?

I took a piece of a paper clip, made it into a U thats about as big as a fingernail, and made the contacts connect using the paper clip.

It turns on btw, and I see no problems, even after playing it for a couple of hours.

Anybody see anything wrong with this?
It should be okay as long as the paperclip doesn't touch the other battery or the other contact.

Which side? The one with the strip, or the one with the "button"?

I think usually the preferred method is to pry the strip back out with a screwdriver.

Don't overdo it, make it look like the other one.
this happened to me when i had smaller batteries and i just got the unit, the battery contacts can be pulled out with a fork or something, also when i got some bigger batteries they still fit, after i dropped it, it because too small again, and I used a fork again to pull the battery contacts out some more
attatching some bent copper ribbon can be very effective and provides a good stable contact that resists being jolted well
this happened to me when i had smaller batteries and i just got the unit, the battery contacts can be pulled out with a fork or something, also when i got some bigger batteries they still fit, after i dropped it, it because too small again, and I used a fork again to pull the battery contacts out some more
Same here, this works and is stupid easy to do.
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