Recovering Jerk-A-Holic
I like it, although I am weird, I would probably only use oneDaveC posted on Mar 28 2007 at 08:40 PM said:Next test should be this:;ProdID=2763
Use 2 of these in parallel. If it works I would mod my battery compartment. It actually doesn't have to be enlarged that much.
Now would you use 2 blocking diodes and resistors or just connect directly in parallel?
Really though, I think it might be neat to have a circuit that switches over automatically, and a push button that will light up a green LED on the one in use and a Red LED for the one you can hot-swap
My Energizer AA here is 13.5mm x 50mm, so "Diameter 18.3 mm (Max 18.4), Height: 64.9 mm (Max 65.1)" is a bit of a stretch. It could be done though, especially if you leave the cover off (or replace it with a thin clear piece, and some blinking LEDs [ugh, I hate "modded" PC's, my 7900GS @ 650mhz flaunts NO LEDs], but pimp is what the market wants, $0.50 for blinky LEDs and I can charge $10 more for the kit
I think using just one would last, hmm, say 4 hours? Or 5, it is li-ion, rated for a 5A discharge
Two batteries, I guess it could be done, that would be an internal 5,000mAh battery? Would be worth it for sure.
Personally I would just put in a switch to switch it over and use it that way: after 4-5 hours throw the switch and use the next battery. Maybe a simple voltage -> LED controller that shows voltage in .1 increments from 2.4-3.6 or something, then you can figure what actual voltage is when it dies and start to expect it.
I think it would bulge out quite a bit, the batteries in there now are on the plastic, if you cut that away and use a taped-on shield for the mobo, then left off the back cover you would gain maybe 4mm, so it would stick out at least .5mm, and you would have to do the major surgery on the back cover to get the extra 1.5cm.
When are they going to be stocking replacement cases B) ? I suppose I should ask ED or Craig if they have a really knackered unit that I can cut into mercilessly
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