Sega Master System


"Nobody's gay for Moleman"
Dec 13, 2004
I just picked up a master system today in fantastic shape and still in the original box and saw something that i didn't notice. The master system played cartridge games and "card" games, looks like a slot for cards that look like a tg-16 HUcard. Has anybody played any of these card games? I've only seen cartridge games, and if so, how do they differ from the cartridges?

I just picked up a master system today in fantastic shape and still in the original box and saw something that i didn't notice. The master system played cartridge games and "card" games, looks like a slot for cards that look like a tg-16 HUcard. Has anybody played any of these card games? I've only seen cartridge games, and if so, how do they differ from the cartridges?


I only ever had a SMS II so there was no card slot, but I thought the card somehow just improved the graphics of some games. I could be wrong though because I never played an original SMS system.
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I played a couple of the CARD games... I owned My Hero, so I had one of my own. Basically it was for games that were ready for release, but didn't warrant an entire cartridge. I loved the card slot idea, I just wish they released more games for it, as some of the titles from older consoles could have been ported and just released on cards.
bah after reading that site above and reading the instruction manual that came with my SMS i got hosed. I turned on my SMS to play the games that were built into the system only to find mine has 0, just loads up and says to play a game turn off the power, insert a game cartridge or card, and then turn the power back on. :( :(
Only the second or third version of the original console that has the games built-in.

You have the First version of the SMS. The kind I got when I was younger.
You can occasionally find the cards in those display cases in gamestation (UK).

The original master system does have a built in maze game which can be found by holding a combination of buttons when switching the system on...look it up, I think you'll find it on would do it for you but I'm lazy.
You press a+b+up to access the hidden built in game.

Imagine a console maker hiding a free game these days? They would milk it for everything it was worth.

Also, the card games are just 32k(maybe upto 128k?) games, Transbot was good.
so far i'm not impressed with this system. I have Superhangon/Safari hunt, and Double dragon. Double Dragon has so much flicker that its just ridiculous, Super hang on is fun for a while but gets boring fast and Safari hunt though superior to duck hunt, seems like lvl 3 is bugged, i can hit everything on lvl 1 and 2 but as soon as i get to lvl 3 i can't hit one single thing, even with the gun up to the tv screen.

I'm gonna take a look at the best of thread to see what master system games are good...can European games play in a US master system? Was the master system big in the UK? I see alot of stuff for sale on Ebay from the UK.
The Master System was big in the UK - probably bigger than the NES. You could try:

Sonic The Hedgehog
Asterix (although not the sequals called Asterix and the ...)
Trivial Persuit (multi-player party fun)
Out Run
Cool Spot
Bubble Bobble
Marble Madness

The Master System didn't have many exclusive games but it did many popular games better than anything else around at the time.
Sonic Chaos
Wonderboy III (This is usually considered the best game on the system)

The SMS was a lot bigger than the NES in most of Europe.
more sonic games were released in Europe, i just need to find out somewhere if european games work with a US master system before i get any of them. I have most of the sonic games already on my GameGear, but i'd like to see them on a tv.
The master system was much bigger the the NES in Europe.
In Europe the NES was virtually a unknown, didn't come out until really late and spent most of its life here trying to compete with the mega drive.

Sonc master system games are the same as the game gear ones. Totally different to the mega drive ones. I don't rate them.
I think Sonic 1 on the SMS is better than Sonic 1 on the Megadrive.

If you really want to see what the SMS could do sonic wise, I recommend Sonic Chaos.