Running Or Walking?


Jan 10, 2006
I love the offtopic forums its good place to ask questions like this, I wanted to know if walking along distance instead of running a shorter distance might be as good for your body as running the shorter distance. so like if you walked 2 miles aday it would almost be as good as running half a mile or something. I enjoy walking & listen to an mp3 player or something more then running. I think one of the problems is when i was a kid i broke my foot so when i run for along time it starts hurting really bad and plus its easyer to walk in out doors because of sand and mud it slows a runner down. I know you use more energy runing but does walking do nothing for you? this is really a offtopic subject lol ok thank for reading :lol:
I love the offtopic forums its good place to ask questions like this, I wanted to know if walking along distance instead of running a shorter distance might be as good for your body as running the shorter distance. so like if you walked 2 miles aday it would almost be as good as running half a mile or something. I enjoy walking & listen to an mp3 player or something more then running. I think one of the problems is when i was a kid i broke my foot so when i run for along time it starts hurting really bad and plus its easyer to walk in out doors because of sand and mud it slows a runner down. I know you use more energy runing but does walking do nothing for you? this is really a offtopic subject lol ok thank for reading :lol:
Depends whether you wanna build muscle up or just keep fit.
2 miles is not very much btw.
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I think walking is better, especially if you walk at a faster pace, try listening to some high energy dance music or something and keeping up with the tempo. With all exercises, you are aiming to break out a sweat, if you're doing that then you're using energy, and therefore burning calories. You're also getting the heart rate up as well which is a good thing.

Running actually puts stress on yourself, especially if you haven't got the right shoes to cushion the blows.
I walk a lot and am not a big fan of running. Walking in the country side is cool and you can often find yourself walking to pubs and stopping for a rest whereas if you were running you would feel the necessity to run past and look like you were really fit when in fact you would much rather stop for a pint etc.
to do your body any real good you need to be doing exercise that raises the rate of your heart to a decent level for at least 40 mins.
Not necessarily. That's important for things like cardio training, but just getting in shape/losing weight requires burning more calories than you take in. Heavy cardio can accomplish that too, and a lot quicker than regular walks, but it's not necessary.

Targus, if you can't run because of an injury and you don't live in an area that's incredibly hilly, you might want to get yourself a bike. In the summer I was riding my bike quite a ways just about every day and it felt great. I can't run or jog because my shins start to hurt after about 100m, but biking at a decent speed gets the heart rate up and I can do it all day. You might want to give it a try.
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Runnig is definitely better if you want to build your stamina. I run 5 miles 4 days a week and my stamina increased drastically. But you shoud be careful if you have a injury. Walking is not as effective as runnning of course (except if you walk 30 miles a day :) ), but it can improve your condition and thus your health. So I'd say: Keep on walking!". You could also try cycling as suggested above for some variation.
walking basically does bugger all for you, unless you do power walking.

N.A.B.B.A instructor :)
Well, if you say so Mr bodybuilder.... :rolleyes:

to do your body any real good you need to be doing exercise that raises the rate of your heart to a decent level for at least 40 mins.
Not necessarily. That's important for things like cardio training, but just getting in shape/losing weight requires burning more calories than you take in. Heavy cardio can accomplish that too, and a lot quicker than regular walks, but it's not necessary.

Targus, if you can't run because of an injury and you don't live in an area that's incredibly hilly, you might want to get yourself a bike. In the summer I was riding my bike quite a ways just about every day and it felt great. I can't run or jog because my shins start to hurt after about 100m, but biking at a decent speed gets the heart rate up and I can do it all day. You might want to give it a try.
umm whats cardio? any good sites i heard it before somewhere.. but cant remember I use to bike and walk really far to my friends house every day before i got a car and drivers ID so now i just drive if i have to get some where so i feel like this might be making me put on more weight. I enjoyed walking to his house or bike riding maybe i will start doing it agein in the summer. I dont like to look at the injury that much because it makes me mad that i cant run with my friend whos joining the army and loves to run and work out cuz when i try to keep up with him my foot starts hurting like.. it feels like its 100Lbs and sore idk. Some one told me to take time running and work to a new point every day like one day run half a mile then the next run a mile i could work up a type of calus for running. I think when summer comes i will try this also. but yeah this is all really great advise.
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Cardio = Cardiovascular exercise- cardio* is to do with the heart, so it's to do with getting your heart rate up to keep your heart itself in shape.

I do 2 hours in the "fitness suite" at school every wednesday, although I don't actually work for both hours (that'd just be too dull), I do a fair amount, rowing, running, cycling, a bit of weights... The rest of the week I do relatively little exercise, but often walk with family/friends at the weekend. I live in a village just by the coast so there tend to be nice places to walk in, well, walking distance ;)

I wouldn't run though, not jogging in public, because I would look stupid, and I much prefer to walk anyway :P I don't mind to sprint if I'm sprinting with someone else (easier motivation to keep going).

I'm not the worlds fittest guy, but I'm not badly unfit either :)
Depends entirely on what your hoping to achieve. If your looking for fitness then walking is going to give you little. If your looking to put your body into a calorie deficeit then walking can be of tremendous use. What you have to realise is that most people eat something like 100 calories a day more than they burn off, walk 2 miles a day and suddenly your in a calorie deficeit zone. Heavier cardio work in the gym using a Treadmill, Rower or my personal favourite a Cross-trainer (like a skiing machine) will burn off calories quicker and will also build your stamina. You'll find progression quicker here.

For me though the most underated tool for burning calories is weight training. Properly done weight training should burn 500 calories in a hour which is comparitive to a game of football or rugby in terms of rate. Also the added benefit of increased muscle size and tone is a metabolic rate hike. This will help a lot in terms of keeping the fat off though you'd have to alter your diet a lot to account for the training

Diet is crucial but it is also crucial to do it correctly. Ignore fad diets, their for idiotic girls (to expand, not all girls are idiots just the ones who have stupid diets) who are too stupid to realise the long term result of a fad diet is usually a crashed metabolic rate. Girls always comment on why some of them can eat what they want while others will diet like mad and still put on weight. Usually this is the result of overdieting and the fact the ones who eat like mad have never had the misfortune of following a mad diet.

Your body will adapt to whatever your eating. If you continually put out a massive calorie deficeit your body will lower your metabolic rate in order to counteract this. The worrying thing is this metabolic rate decrease is semi-permenant (the solution is to over eat, but this will put much more weight on you than you lost through the diet). Read some literature on clean diets, supplementation and the correct use of cheat days in a long term diet to boost your MR and as a reward for sticking to your guns generally.