GP2X Usb Host Over Ext?


has anyone been working on finding out if this would work or not? everyone talks of usb wifi and stuff but ive heard nothing about it actually working or not yet! anyone with info please step forward!
Err... really? Everything I have read about it seemed to say it was speculative/theoritical. Has someone actually built a connector and successfully connected a device to the GP2X via USB host?

Because that would be INSANELY awesome.
yes, gp2x does recognize it when you plug something in, however, i dont know if anyone did get anything "working"(drivers etc) yet.

Maybe someone who have actualy experimented with it can give you a better answer.
Hello everyone :) im new to this board.
I am very interested in seeing development with the usb host functionality of the device, my apologies if i have any of this wrong.
From my understanding it is thought that the 1.1 usb host functionality might be available from the bottom of the unit in the EXT port.
To date i have yet to find anywhere/anyone confirming this, and having flicked through the databook on the wiki i could not see the reference to the usb 1.1 pinouts in the gpio section of the manual. Assuming these pins used are reconfigurable as standard gpio (are they?) could we not test the physical connections by toggling the pins high /low and checking the pins on the bottom of the ext port with a scope?
I'd kinda doubt they're reconfigurable as GPIO, since they probably go to dedicated USB logic and any kind of extra switching after it could impact the signal quality. But, there's only really 2 pins that USB needs (aside from ground which is easy enough to find), so it shouldn't be hard to pinpoint them just through guessing if all else fails.

Besides, someone posted a pinout to the gp2x wiki (not sure if it's 100% accurate):
Finnaly. So the Hardware is willing but the software is weak. Hmmm.

Its going to have to wait for that supposed source code release then.

I'm thinking mini USB Wifi + DC-DC voltage stepper = Surfin at QVGA resoulutions.
(plus Network remote terminals for developers, remote filesystems, oh and other FUN stuff, like IRC chat w/tiny keyboards)
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[Off Topic]
I think a better alternative to dillo would be Links run in Graphics-Mode, it runs on the fb already and doesn't require any thirdparty libs or display toolkits to work.

I am sure links would compile almost imediately if someone tried it, save a few bugs of course.

Just a thought.
[/Off Topic]

I do hope someone is still working on this. It would be awsome to connect this thing up to my wifi router and surf the net, or even play another GP2X owner using ad-hoc wifi connection. I guess we'll wait for the firmware release and see where we can get to from there.
i would like firefox but thats just a dream! lol, any graphical browser that works at least as well as the dreamcasts browser (planetweb) would kick ass
Yeah, you could get in touch with the creater of the port for Xbox called linksbox. Last I heard they were incorporating it into Xbox Media Center, but I haven't heard a word about it in several months...
what about web browsing using ad-hoc like the punk ass portaloo i mean playstation portable
What's that mean? o_O
ad hoc
For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other: a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries.

1. Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose: an ad hoc compensation committee.
2. Improvised and often impromptu: “On an ad hoc basis, Congress has... placed... ceilings on military aid to specific countries” (New York Times).

The thing I would like USB host for is USB flash drives. Those things are cheaper than SD cards around here. I don't really care about going online with my GP2X but if someone can pull it off, power to 'em.
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Links can be compiled against libjpeg, imlib and svgalib to produce a rather nice FrameBuffer graphical web browser, with full support for Images etc.
[offtopic]devestation, links was interegrated into xbmc a while ago, i have a build with the 2 running nicely intergrated together [/offtopic]

O.k so assuming the pinout diagram on the wiki is correct then where now? im more familiar with bare board programming so my linux knowledge is somewhat limited. I presume once we have full sources for the kernel we have everything except a driver for usb 1.1 host controller?
AFAIK the USB host is a function of the MMSP2, so you should be able to get the source for that from MagicEyes (it's probably already on Open2x). So you could build that driver against the GP2X kernel source we already have, and hopefully it would just work.

If the existing kernel doesn't have higher level USB support (I think it does...) then you'd need to build that yourself - hopefully you can do it as a module and insert it into the existing kernel, but if not, you'll have to build the whole kernel from scratch.

The only thing that would require source beyond what you already have is building the whole kernel from scratch - if you do it with the source we have now, you won't have support for some aspects of the system... apparently.