Firmware Updated, Functionality Halfed.


Still Fresh
Jan 19, 2006
I was able to do everything fine when i got mine today.. buy I noticed media types that were claimed to work in the add for this thing were not showing up.. thinking a firmware update would fix this I upgraded.. 1.2.1 is installed, games work, everything seems find but now MP3's and Movies lockup(well, MP3'a lock up, the videos just lock up the whole system}

I need some serious help here or advice how to at least get this thing back to working in stock fashion.. Ive downgraded, reupgraded..nothing seems to fix it.
You should use included mplayer for 1.2.1 .
It will be installed when you execute patch in utility menu.

I believe these are on the instruction.
The gp2x runs mplayer!!! thats pretty cool. I wish I had the cash to purchaseone just to mess around with it. Oh well I guess I'll just have to stick to my gp32 for now.
You should use included mplayer for 1.2.1 .
It will be installed when you execute patch in utility menu.

I believe these are on the instruction.

Hey, what instructions. I read the instructions on these forums, and they never tell you to run this util.

I've deleted it already, so I'll just grab it from my firmware zip.

Thanks for the info. :)
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Yea sorry, when I buy a product, I expect a fresh pair of batteries to last more than half an hour.. silly me..