hey can someone help me out with a step by step instruction of how to play a mame rom. i already have the mame emu, i just dont know how to play a rom.
I'm having some problems with mame too, i got some roms working, but some (which are in the games list in the zip) dont work. bubble bobble for example, i've got the rom but it just crashes on loading (tried all 3 diff versions of mame).
Now i read i need to convert to version 0.34 of mame, but can someone explain how to do this? I loaded up clrmamepro and loaded the .dat file in the mame zip, but wasnt sure what options i should pick, i just clicked on rebuild, it changed the size of my bublbbl.zip file but stil doesnt work
I found the working rom list a bit hit and miss for me. But thats half the joy when something works. Also try other roms just in case they work. Glass half full.