Poll: top games that run well on gpengine


Mar 19, 2003
I have just ordered my gp32 and its on its way, but I just want to know what your favorite pc engine games are that run well on gpengine. I am looking forward to playing outrun, afterburner, thunder blade, chase hq, space harrier and S.C.I. Do all of these games work right and what ather games out there that I might not have heard of should I load up right away.
Yes they work fine, but my fave has to be the genius that is R-Type, absolutely perfect Aracde conversion on the pc engine, brilliant.

Oh, and try Wonderboy 3 if you have never played it before, its a really good RPG/Action platform game. There are several websites devoted to that game :)


Yep... i agree with craigix.

R-type is the almighty one. :lol:
Outrun is good too but just doesn't hold up well now-a-days (unfortunately... coz i loved it yonks ago).

Bomberman is cool on the GPengine emulator too...
i really like r-type 2 on it, and the bomberman games great!.

game that doesnt work for me is the jackie chan one crashs as soon as you move in game.
Chan and Chan was my all time favorite game on the Pc engine - very silly !!

Just pull down on the pad in the game and you will see what i mean !!!
My favs:
Case HQ
Hyperdyne Sidearms (great game)
Final Soldier
Die Hard (it' japanese, but you can play it)
Bloody Wolf (yeah :) )
Most of the PC-Engine games I have tried have worked so far, with Parasol Stars being my favourite. I was sad to find that none of the Bonkers series appear to work, either the background is corrupt and the main sprite is ok, or visa-versa.

Still it's a great emu anyhow.

craigix posted on Mar 30 2003 said:
Oh, and try Wonderboy 3 if you have never played it before, its a really good RPG/Action platform game. There are several websites devoted to that game :)
Well, yeah, Wonderboy 3 IS great...
But I'm missing the energy hearts on GPEngine... hard to play when you don't know when you'll die...
Is this just my dump?
Works fine in any other emulator, though.
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StudioX64 posted on Mar 31 2003 said:
I was sad to find that none of the Bonkers series appear to work, either the background is corrupt and the main sprite is ok, or visa-versa.
Bonk 3 works here...
I only have problems with 1 and 2.
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I haven't been able to run any Bonk's on my GP either. Other games that I can't seem toget working are Jackie Chan, New Zealand Story and of course Street Fighter 2: CE. So far everything else I have played works great.
The Bonks also work fine for me. For anyone looking for a different version, PC-Genjin is the japanese version of Bonk, to give you a few others to try.
New Zealand Story works fine for me, but no joy from the Bonks. Fortunately I hated SF2, so I don't miss it.

What were the best puzzle type games for the PC-Engine?
with gpengine i think tg16 versions (the us pc engine) of games do not work as well as the original pc engine ones - for example Gunhed works on mine but blazin lazers does not (the same game) ect - so if you cant get bonk to work try the rom Pc genjin (like stated before) {also known as pc kid) Also the US rom i had of devil crash did not work so i downloaded a jap one and it worked fine.
Galaga 90 is running great and really close to the arcade - extremely addictive stuff!
Parodius is excellent. R-trype, Raide, Gradius...
However, I have noticed you have to run Galaga right after starting GPEngine - if you run it after running another game it might freeze the screem