Transport Tycoon Deluxe


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
Hi, i would like to play this amazing game on my gp32, but i don´t know if its too difficult to make a port from pc to gp32 ^__^. This is my wish ^__^.
The game self isn't that great the A.I will probably need some work :D
The controls need to be changed completly
RF support is a must have :D

That's quite a lot but it would be great if someone could do this :-P
Not open source, and I doubt it ever will be. Dunno if there are any open source imitations either, I havnt seen any.
hmm dont know really what transport Tycoon is, so perhaps it is similiar to simutrans, which is gnu opensource.. ad should be portable, the biggest problem i think would be the high resoltion :( ...
look at it yourself

sh** hmm the sourcecode isnt available sorry for that :(
but perhaps, if some really want to try it, he could join the team or ask if he can try a basic port...
sorry again
A port of TT would make my life complete... i simply just love this game, and if i would be able to play it on my GP32 too, it would be great !. I had a look at the other game, and on the homepage they say its not open source... it looks cool though, and is definately a good alternative to TT if someone wanna start porting... they would just have to talk to the owner of the other game and make him give them the source code. :rolleyes: