Transport Tycoon on GP32?


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2004
Does anybody know whether transport tycoon would b possible 2 port to gp32? The graphics arent too harsh an i its like 10 megs in size.
I really wanna play this one on the GP32 but remember that you need source code to port....Or you ll have to make it from scratch....
The GFX are OK for the GP32....(I think its running at 640*480*256)
Thanks 4 that Ill hav a rummage round. I dunno where ill find the coding mind. Any1 know anythin about this sort of stuff? sorry im a complete noob at this.
Well, you'd probably have to contact the original developers and licence the code off them. It shouldn't cost more than a couple of tens of thousands of pounds.

Hmmm - if it was that easy, ya think someone would have done it by now? When a game is written, the source (usually C or C++) is compiled into machine code for the computer to execute, and this is basically a one-way process. Decompilation is possible (I think), but extremely difficult and would give totally unusable output as far as I know.

Also, if you reverse-engineered a game like that, the publishers would be down on you like a ton of bricks - even worse than just copying it to play.
Ah gutted thanks 4 that. I guess were screwed for a copy on gp32 then. Ive learnt somethin new mind u. O yeah ive just read bout those ppl stealing source codin from half life 2 lmao. Thank god that wasnt me. :P
Was Transport Tycoon available on any other systems? If there were versions for Atari ST you could try finding a copy and running it on the ST emulator, Castaway.
So it might not be possible to find the source already - just contact the developers, point out that if they release the source and not the data files they'll sell more copies once a port is made (even more if they make the port themselves and sell a ready-compiled GP32 version, possibly via JoyGP) and see what they say. Considering the software is old-ish, they might be receptive, if the data isn't included within the executable (i.e. you need the data in order to compile the thing you run, as opposed to just needing the files there to actually run it).

Of course, they could say no, at which point you learn C++ and start your own remake of it (as opposed to port).