GP32 new ideas for a GBA emulator


Now on LSD!
Aug 22, 2003
ok, i'll try to make this as short as i can. there are two things, the first idea is mine, and the second idea is a developer's at efnet #gp32dev (who's name i'm not sure i can reveal). these two things combined with a heavy ASM core written from scratch could be usable.

my idea: basically, we'll have to read the whole ROM by chopping it to chunks, disassemble it, and analyze the code, searching for the most frequently used addresses. then we precache the data from those offsets into RAM, and load other stuff realtime (if it takes a lot of time, even using a loading screen).

the other idea: parsing the disassembled ROM searching for code that can be executed natively on the gp32, and writing an executable file with the native code, and a few external calls to the emulator for other stuff.

writing the ASM core would take a lot of time though. maybe we could try with a C core first, and see how speed is. comments are welcome.
jegHegy posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
ok, i'll try to make this as short as i can. there are two things, the first idea is mine, and the second idea is a developer's at efnet #gp32dev (who's name i'm not sure i can reveal). these two things combined with a heavy ASM core written from scratch could be usable.

my idea: basically, we'll have to read the whole ROM by chopping it to chunks, disassemble it, and analyze the code, searching for the most frequently used addresses. then we precache the data from those offsets into RAM, and load other stuff realtime (if it takes a lot of time, even using a loading screen).

the other idea: parsing the disassembled ROM searching for code that can be executed natively on the gp32, and writing an executable file with the native code, and a few external calls to the emulator for other stuff.

writing the ASM core would take a lot of time though. maybe we could try with a C core first, and see how speed is. comments are welcome.
You do that.

I will praise the ground upon which you walk should you be able to pull it through. ´

Another idea... Get the emulator running at decent speed before you start worrying about those big roms.
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Now i'm laughing :lol: Why do people want a GBA emulator on there GP32.
You wouldn't be able to play most of the games anyhow. For example >

sonic pinball party 8meg simpsons road rage 8meg pokemon ruby 16meg
golden sun 2 16meg

As you can read these, games wouldn't work they just too big.
Remeber you have a limit on the size of snes roms you can use. <_<
Well i guess there's no chance anyone would bother if you are restricted to what games you can play.

To the author of the existing GBA emulator, nice job B)

Well that's that i guess!!!
Anderson posted on Aug 23 2003 said:
Now i'm laughing :lol: Why do people want a GBA emulator on there GP32.
You wouldn't be able to play most of the games anyhow. For example >

sonic pinball party 8meg simpsons road rage 8meg pokemon ruby 16meg
golden sun 2 16meg

As you can read these, games wouldn't work they just too big.
Remeber you have a limit on the size of snes roms you can use. <_<
Well i guess there's no chance anyone would bother if you are restricted to what games you can play.

To the author of the existing GBA emulator, nice job B)

Well that's that i guess!!!
You didn´t read. Do so next time.
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Just an idea: Wouldn't it be possible to port the ASM code on a PC to GP32 code as you only have to replace some API calls (that's what I guess, I don't code ASM)? Might be somehow difficult thinking of the sprite engine that the gba has but I think that might be a possible solution.
Anderson posted on Aug 23 2003 said:
Now i'm laughing :lol: Why do people want a GBA emulator on there GP32.
You wouldn't be able to play most of the games anyhow. For example >

sonic pinball party 8meg simpsons road rage 8meg pokemon ruby 16meg
golden sun 2 16meg

As you can read these, games wouldn't work they just too big.
Remeber you have a limit on the size of snes roms you can use. <_<
Well i guess there's no chance anyone would bother if you are restricted to what games you can play.

To the author of the existing GBA emulator, nice job B)

Well that's that i guess!!!
MEG and MB are totally different.
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ok hands up i'm wrong, sorry jeghegy and to be honest don't think it was an out and out flaming :blink:

i totally understand what your point was and though i agree that technically it would be amazing. Just fed up with people asking the near impossible :unsure:

and yes it should have been MB ;)
There's Megabit and Megabyte. Usually, when people say Meg, they mean megabyte. Also, MB means megabyte. Mb on the other hand, means megabit, which is one eighth of a megabyte.

i.e. 1024 K divided by 8 = 128K. So 1MB=1024K and 1Mb=128K. A big difference :P

Are the GBA Roms measured in MB or Mb?
the gba emu i got iGBA Emu GPBA150 Alpha ive got loads 4 meg roms and rus very slow or craches i gor colin mcrea 2 running midnight club crashed 8 meg wont load but hey lets get the snes finished first most of the games are the same anyhow
Pfiou, you're strong if you make a kind of emulator GBA.
If you do it, i'll print a photo of you and i'll pray you all evening forfive years B)
I'm joking, good luck m@n !
don't forget that SMC i/o is VERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fast
and if u put a rom onto smc
then read it by blocks... (not as a file... just use low level functions to read from the smc)

you can emulate the game don't even caching the ROM in RAM.

see my point?

according to smc docs it has a very cool access speed
