Any Reason I Shouldn't Buy A Gp2x Now?


Still Fresh
Jun 25, 2004
Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.

Didn't want to be the first to buy in case it didn't work out as hoped or the comunity didn't support it. Seemed to be a few teething problems at first, so I held off from parting with my cash.

As you can probably tell, I'm a fairly patient individual! Was just wondering whether there was any reason for me to wait further before taking the plunge. In particular, I was wondering whether there were likely to be any chances to the hardware itself.

Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)
Chances are the only hardware changes might be better production, I doubt they;ll change the joystick assembly and the problems with the screen are FW related if anything.

If they could change anything serious it might have something to do with the 3 hour* battery life.

*your mileage may vary
Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.
Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)


1. XGP is coming out (maybe? :() this year, which will be a better alternative.
2. Save your money for NDS games, but if you don't have an NDS yet...GET ONE!
3. Save your money for a PS3.
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Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke.  Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out. 
Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)


1. XGP is coming out (maybe? :() this year, which will be a better alternative.
2. Save your money for NDS games, but if you don't have an NDS yet...GET ONE!
3. Save your money for a PS3.

Haha, you are a funny individual! Buy a DS, XGP and PS3 in one year? You twit.

I'd say buy a GP2x now, all the problems have been fixed at the manufacturing stage, so time you get your unit it will be perfect!
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Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.
Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)


1. XGP is coming out (maybe? :() this year, which will be a better alternative.
2. Save your money for NDS games, but if you don't have an NDS yet...GET ONE!
3. Save your money for a PS3.

Haha, you`re stupid.

Point 1 is completely made up by you.
You suck, LOLZ <_<
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Haha, you`re stupid.

Point 1 is completely made up by you.
You suck, LOLZ <_<

In point 1, there's a "maybe?" in brackets and is my opinion.
By the way, for anyone who wishes to disrespect me, please dont' bother, because on these forum boards, I live by the saying, "love your enemies".

Oh! By the way, Quiest!... I love you too man. :)
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Haha, you`re stupid.

Point 1 is completely made up by you.
You suck, LOLZ <_<

In point 1, there's a "maybe?" in brackets and is my opinion.
By the way, for anyone who wishes to disrespect me, please dont' bother, because on these forum boards, I live by the saying, "love your enemies".

Oh! By the way, Quiest!... I love you too man. :)
No offence but it really is looking like the XG won't do very well at all.
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Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.
Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)


1. XGP is coming out (maybe? :() this year, which will be a better alternative.
2. Save your money for NDS games, but if you don't have an NDS yet...GET ONE!
3. Save your money for a PS3.

Why are you even here, honestly?

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We need more humour and laughter in this world.
Some peeps around here should lighten up and stop being so serious all the time, because you know what? This is all in the name of fun. :)
Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke.  Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out. 
Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)


1. XGP is coming out (maybe? :() this year, which will be a better alternative.
2. Save your money for NDS games, but if you don't have an NDS yet...GET ONE!
3. Save your money for a PS3.

1) XGP will be a better alternative ? How do you know, it could suck big time? just making stuff up?

2) DS? yeah run emulators slow on a small low res screen yeah great.

3) Yeah the PS3 is real portable :rolleyes:
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heh, this seems to have turned a bit into a fanboy ranting thread :rolleyes: :P
yeah no point taking it too seriously.

anyways, reason to hold off buying a gp2x:

firmware upgrades - if you buy one later it'll always have the latest firmware i guess. so no need to take your gp2x's life into your own hands by doing the upgrade yourself, for a while anyway (I'm still sticking with original f/ware for the moment. yep i'm a chicken!)

reason to buy a gp2x now:

its cool! i mean... wow, there's so much good stuff being released for this thing I can't keep up with it all. :) if you get one later you're sure to miss out on some of the good stuff as they get obscured in the mists of time by newer releases.

also, the battery life is a s/ware related thing, so likely to be improved in firmware at some point (at which point i may actually upgrade mine)
1) XGP will be a better alternative ? How do you know, it could suck big time? just making stuff up?

2) DS? yeah run emulators slow on a small low res screen yeah great.

3) Yeah the PS3 is real portable :rolleyes:

Get a grip DaveC man!'ve gone all serious on me?


Quiet you!
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Anyone who actually looks at "Sony's" name, avatar etc. and has any sense of Irony (or Goldie) should 'get it', instead of 'biting'... Sony's posts are (at least to me) funny. The fact that people take them (too) seriously, isn't to funny though.

Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.

Didn't want to be the first to buy in case it didn't work out as hoped or the comunity didn't support it. Seemed to be a few teething problems at first, so I held off from parting with my cash.

Community is great and only will get better.

For problems... there are few. The most important are interlacing in a lcd screen (probably due to bad setting in a firmware) and not exactly satisfying stick. The lcd's problem most probably will be fixed by firmware update and stick will handle better thanks to biasing but that might not be enough for someone.

As you can probably tell, I'm a fairly patient individual! Was just wondering whether there was any reason for me to wait further before taking the plunge. In particular, I was wondering whether there were likely to be any chances to the hardware itself.

You might wait for a clarification of said issues. However it's doubtful that actual hardware will change so buying now you probably will not loss anything.

Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)

If you want mediaplayer first and would like to use it with your TVset then gp2x is great choice even now. If you want only to play games (especially an arcade ones) then gp2x's stick might irritate you as it's very different that typical d-pad. If you want to write your own programs/games (whatever) then gp2x is also mandatory. If you want commercial games then gp2x isn't so hot because it will not be able to compete in that aspect with GBA/SD or PSP. If you are hobbyist and want a nice small computer to play with then get a gp2x because you will get plenty of modding possibilities (and serial ports so you might use gp2x as control computer for some of kind device).

You see... gp2x isn't an ideal handheld but even with its actual issues (hopefully to be fixed) has lots of uses.
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Was just about to get round to buying a GP32 when news of the GP2x broke. Thought I'd wait and see how the system worked out.

Didn't want to be the first to buy in case it didn't work out as hoped or the comunity didn't support it. Seemed to be a few teething problems at first, so I held off from parting with my cash.

As you can probably tell, I'm a fairly patient individual! Was just wondering whether there was any reason for me to wait further before taking the plunge. In particular, I was wondering whether there were likely to be any chances to the hardware itself.

Your comments would be appreciated (translated - please don't flame me!)

Just adding my personal opinion, as that's all I can really do, but if it's the kind of the system you're looking for, I see nothing particular that should hold you back.

I got my Gp2X, and I love it and wouldn't be without it. I've got no particular problems with it and I don't regret getting it at all. Plus the developing community so far has been amazing, checking back daily to see 3/4 releases a day. I'm sure it'll settle down, but it's a great start and shows what a great community it is.

As for some of the problems mentioned, I have no particular ones with mine (not 1st edition). Joystick feels lovely so far, much more comfortable than the keyboard which I'm used to! Screen looks great, although slight interlacing is possible to be seen (I'm still on firmware 1.0.1 though) but it doesn't detract from at all in my opinion. Speaker sound is great, as is headphones, the jack is fine here. Battery life is around 4/5 hours on my 2500mah rechargables, which is also fine for me.

In other words, I love it - and if it's what you are looking for I'm sure you will too ;)
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I've been keep track of the gp2x for the past 2.5 months very excited about it


Seems the most important issue I have with it is not fixed yet (battery)
here's my reasons for holding off:

1- battery life still sucks. 45 minutes on 2 regular alkaline... WAY less than the 8 hour claimed

2- screen scanline issues people mention

3- some compatiability issues with SD cards

4- software I wanted is not mature yet.

I have to admit the community is pretty supportive of the gp2x but I originally wanted the gp2x so I can play
NES, SNES, GENESIS, TG16, GBA, GB/GBC, late 1980s and early 1990s arcade games.

Sure some of those emus are out but they are not near perfect yet.

I will wait till systems like TG16,GENSIS, NES, GB/GBC runs at full speed w sound emulated. w full savestate and systems like snes, gba, acade to run pretty fast.

I will wait longer if I have to.