GPChess 0.4


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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This is v0.4, but I haven't tested much yet, so it could be buggy. I'll edit this for a download link once I upload it...

EDIT: Heres the link: DL
Ohh, I think I found 2 bugs, they aren't fixed yet. One isn't exactly a bug, but saves in previous versions won't work in this one, and the other is that the AI might move its king 2 spaces, and won't move its rook. I can't fix them now, but I'll edit this post when they are fixed :) EDIT: Fixed, you want the one that says GPChess_v0.4b
Great work my crappy graphics i made aint worthy :)

This look very professional :) its great

A Few thing tho you might wanna fix

When you comile it dont use _ just compile it as GPChess 0.4 not GPChess_0.4 just makes it look better in free launcher :)

Other thing is the menu's would be better to move them into the middle of the screen and maybe make the text bigger.

Using the font that you use for the GPChess in the main game as menu items would be good maybe with the brown background you have for the right menu for the main game board.

Otherwise it Looks very professional and good :) hell it looks good enough to buy ;) now all i need to do is to learn to play chess lol

but great work im very happy ^_^

NiN^_^NiN posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
When you comile it dont use _ just compile it as GPChess 0.4 not GPChess_0.4 just makes it look better in free launcher :)
I don't know how to b2fxec it w/o the _, can anyone tell me?
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Sure when u made the gxb file dont do b2fxce

go to C:\devkitadv\tools and run FxeMaker.exe

then just select the gxb file in the arm excuteable file (you will have to set file type to all files *.*)

then select the bmp file for icon then fill in thr rest

You will know what to do when you open FxeMaker.exe

If u still need help just reply back but u shoudlnt :)

whoa! looks really nice! Graphics have really improved :-)

Like the different skins :-)

also the thinking is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster... great job!

I have a question.... those skins... are those just little gif files (or jpg) or is it more difficult than that? (because I'm pretty handy with photoshop and if have some spare time, I wouldn't mind making a skin for your chess game... :-) )


keep up the good work dude!


They are 8bit bmp files (i made the skin shown in 0.3 altho now its crap compared to the new version :) )

the pieces need to be 30x30 pixel in 8bit BMP format.

I can send u the files i had for my skin if u like then u just have to put the new image into it.

Cpt_CoPyCaT posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
whoa! looks really nice! Graphics have really improved :-)

Like the different skins :-)

also the thinking is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster... great job!

I have a question.... those skins... are those just little gif files (or jpg) or is it more difficult than that? (because I'm pretty handy with photoshop and if have some spare time, I wouldn't mind making a skin for your chess game... :-) )


keep up the good work dude!


You have to send the skins to me to out one in, they are 8-bit 240x240 boards (you can also make the status box if you want, then it is a 240x320, but make sure all to co-oos of boxes and stuff are the same as the other ones) and 8-bit 30x30 pieces (all in .bmp format) and since I don't feel like making a file loader, after you send it 2 me don't expect it to be in the very next version :)

EDIT: Anyone having any problems with it? Cuz when my dad was playing it, it traded a queen for a pawn, but I can't get that to happen again/find out what the problem is.
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Allrighty.... Nin^_^Nin.... it would make thigns easier indeed if you could send me your skin images, so I don't have to worry anymore about the size or the picture format anymore :)

You can send them to if you want.... (or do you want to give me a download link?)

PS... rcx21000... sorry to say this.... but your chess engine still makes a lot of mistakes ;) yesterday, I played a game at the highest level (level 5), and it made one mistake after the other.... (for example.... taking a pawn with a queen, and just let me take the queen... same went for one horse, two towers.... had the computer player checkmate in about 3 minutes of playing....

PS 2.... Nin.... your sig.... is that from those 'blood ninja' chatlogs? :D :D those were hilarious! :P



Cpt_CoPyCaT posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
PS... rcx21000... sorry to say this.... but your chess engine still makes a lot of mistakes ;) yesterday, I played a game at the highest level (level 5), and it made one mistake after the other.... (for example.... taking a pawn with a queen, and just let me take the queen... same went for one horse, two towers.... had the computer player checkmate in about 3 minutes of playing....
Exactly what the problem is. On version 0.3 it didn't make those mistakes, so it is a major bug that needs to be fixed, and there will have to be a 0.4c :P Or mabye I'll make a GPChess update program like microsoft has for widows update ;)
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Just wanted to say Thanks! for the nice comments on the graphics i made. (The Metal theme skin) :)
Nice that there seems to be many people wanting to make skins. :D
rcx21000 posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
NiN^_^NiN posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
When you comile it dont use _ just compile it as GPChess 0.4 not GPChess_0.4 just makes it look better in free launcher :)
I don't know how to b2fxec it w/o the _, can anyone tell me?
Put the "GPChess 0.4" in quotes.
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Maybe you could add a message that said Check or Checkmate. When I won nothing happend. My pieces were the only ones left and I could still move arond.
This is off-topic but I got a little frustrated at :ph34r: bugs and put the project on hold for a while. Stuck with some web development atm.