Not bashing GBA, but I need a comparison chart.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
Here's the chart I need...

1: Gp32's power and hardware compared to GBA's (graphically displayed or in raw information)

2: Game (emulated) to commercial and (nes emulated) games on GBA and GP32. (number comparison)

3: Screen size comparison (diminsions measured side by side, percentage bigger GP32 screen is)

4: Battery life estimation at 60 MHZ, 90 MHZ, and 133 MHZ.

5: SMC size (graphic info or raw info) compared to GBA cart and flash cart size...

I think an easier to read at a glance chart or graph/comparison would help me convince alot of people to get the GP32 (I like GBA, but hey, GP32 needs all the respect and sales it can get)

and if it's not too much trouble..

6: List of playable emulators.
Sorry, that sounded a bit 'demanding'....

If anyone has any Free time could they please construct a graph of this information? (No offense to anyone, but americans on average (and i'm one, but not ONE of the numbers mentioned) respond better to images and comaprisons instead of raw number or info comparisons)
If someone will mail me a new copy of excel, I'll do it ;) I do have a CD of excel, but I lost the license key and my comp crased, uninstalling excel :D

EDIT: Ohhhh, I just remebered, the other time I didn't have the key either, but I used my word (word is 2000, and excel is only 97) key, and it worked :) I'll make it
I made 2 charts, one is how many 'precious dollars' you have to spend on noncommercial/emulated games for GBA and GP32, and one for commercial. It is prolly not that accurate, but it does show that in the long run GP32 is better :) Also, I made a table of raw data with power of the things, systems emulated and stuff like that. All the charts/tables are gifs compressed in a .rar file, so tell me if you don't have .rar extraction, then I'll make a .zip. Also, I need to know your e-mail address to send it.
chart compairing what a new pocketpc have to offer against the gp32 would be far more interesting since gaming wise they are actually comparable, gba is for a completely different crowd
Well, I lost interest in that article as soon as it said, "While the Game Boy Advance has the clear benefit of a larger memory card, future technology will allow the GP32 to match and eventually bypass the GBA's advantage."
Which of course, as everyone knows, is total crap, as the GBA cartridges are measured in bits, and the largest GBA cart I know of, is 512mbit, which is 64mbyte, and even if a 1gbit card is released, it will still just be the same size as the gp32s.

Anyway, enough rambling from me, just tell your mates, if they like old emulated games, go for the GP32, if they like new commercial games, then go for the GBA, that's about it really :)
Yep, I can extract .rar files, but I have to dig up my old file of ultimate zip. But it's not too much trouble, I appreciate it :D = my email