Names for the meet-up....


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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HI all,

I've just been speaking to GP32_Kirby and he made a suggestion which remonded me of something I've been meaning to ask about for a while....

How will we all know who is who at the meet?

The best way I can come up with (that Kirby mentioned too) is name tags with our nicks. We'll all look a bit stupid with them on, but hey, who cares! - we're meeting up to play games anyway!

I reckon it's a good idea, but for it to work, everyone will need to do it. If you think you'd feel way too much of a fool, let me know, and we'll have to think of some other way.... (suggestions, as always, welcome!).

What do people think?

Also.... Kirby needs someone to travel down with if possible. He live in sunny Glasgow, and so has a bit of a journey of he's to come. Is there anyone else coming from Glasgow, or is there anyone on the train route who could meet part of the way down? If so, just post here, or PM me and let me know.

Meonlyeviler posted on Aug 15 2003 said:
Do you mean real names, or gp32x names?
Obviously it has to be our GP32x names, cuz we dunno our real names (well now I know Axeman's real name seeing I've talked to him over the phone, but that's it :P)
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Hey, it's supposed to be a name tag, not a badge of forum status information (What next? How many posts we've done before going to the meet-up? :P)
Me not need a nametag-If you see a 6 foot five dude with long hair and a gp32-then thats the Lurch
i'm gonna look stupid with a badge with SHOTAWAY on it.....
might as well wear a t-shirt with the word's I'M STUPID on it
So far it seems my idea isnt a good one.. thought so :P

Well here's an alternative, we could have badges with our real names (not board ones) AND a picture of our current avatar used on these boards, that way we could immediately tell who's who.. well I know it sounds like a daft idea, but isnt it a better one at least? ;)
How about T shirts with our nicks in big letters and a pic of our avatars that way ppl will know who's who on the photos from the meet ? :D

Also for reference my nicks pronounced: Jay-Dee-You-Kay NOT: Jay-Duck as most americans prounounce it on XBOX live :rolleyes:
Hello you can call me face, car face! Lol actually bein called carface outloud has never happened to me before but it will be funny neway! Thankgod I dint call myself Caravanface! ; :blink:
:P :P :P this will be funny, a bunch of brits in a bar with name tags like:axeman, lurch, etc.... i hope that there are pictures :P :P :P