Doom V8


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
Version 7 worked fine on both my doom1 and 2 wads now V8 just hangs half way through the loading process, I watched the boot menu messages and no error is displayed just that little arrow stops moving me I want music.
Make sure your set your WAD file type to Doom Commercial/Ultimate or Doom 2, if you pick Shareware then it'll hang.
Mine freezes also while trying to load doom2. I have the doom wads in the correct dir and all. Plus I don't like the afct that you can't hear the regular sound effects, not even if you turn the music vol all the way down. Sorry CraigX, but I'm, going back to v7. <_<
you cant? i can hear soundaffects and music easily i actually go intot he menu and turn music upa nd sound affects down so i get a good balance.

I dont see any probs what so ever just waiting for the speed to be set down to 66mhz or maybe 4 if sound is playable cause 133 to play mp3 aint worth it in my mind maybe mod files but im not gonna make the cpu speed more so i can play it and run out of battery faster.

Still great job i only play it with a power adapter tho.

Funny, mine does the same with sound. The music is there, but no sound no matter what I do. This was with DOOM 1. Doom 2 doesn't work for me any more either.

If it helps, I haven't flashed my Firmware. For the prior version of DOOM2, I used the Multifirm version and it worked like a champ. This one no workie though. Oh well, V7's still great! :)
No I'd already tried to choose which wad to load (common sense really) it just will not boot, I've even tried fresh batteries and buying a SMC reader/writer seeing as my cable is iffy.

I don't really even like doom but on the GP32 it's tolerable and it just annoys me that it won't work.
me too - hangs after trying to load - only thing I noticed in the icon is that it says "multi firmware version" - as far as I can see - there is only 1 file that you can download off GBAX.COM unless you go for v7???

Craig - is there a "normal" version of this? :lol:
sorry - I take it all back - it now works fine on mine!!! I initially tried with Doom2.Wad but it works fab with Doom.Wad :-)

Well done Craig and Robert - this version rocks! :D
Lord Namsu posted on Aug 12 2003 said:
I've got music but no Sound FX. It seems to run pretty fast as well.
I might have been a bit mistaken there. Its seems to be random whether or not I get sfx. Most often I don't hear anything but I did sometimes.
I was comparing the GP32 version to the gameboy version yesterday as well. I never thought I'd find it difficult to use the d-pad but after using the Gp32 i felt like I had to crush the d-pad just to move forward a bit.
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same here, ultimate doom only works with just music.. doom 2 hangs at loading here as well... my bios has never been flashed..