Gp2x Terminal Emulator Released


Still Fresh
Dec 6, 2005
Hi. Here is a simple terminal emulator for gp2x, sterm.
Through it, you can access shell and other terminal programs.
I think it may be useful for exploring your gp2x linux system, Enjoy!

Here is a screenshot:

Heh, inetd.conf? hosts? ftpusers?

Knowing GPH, they probably run a whole networking system which is why it takes so long to boot :P
Now every geek can say

The Linux shell is always the best, even on the gp2x :D
rock ass, and thank you, but we seriously need to look into a better text entry system for somehow. I'm sure this has been run into before. Sometime I'll google it.

first things, i ran find. blarg. need away to hit ctrl-c. apparently volup_a then didnt use the character i had moved the cursor onto © in this case. that'd be helpful to end commands.

but yeah, this is totally cool, so thanks a ton.
Excellent :) ps shows not all that much running, definately no inetd sweet little term. (reads the README... Ah that's where CTRL is...)
jlebrech posted on Dec 6 2005 at 05:53 PM said:
Can i recompile the kernel source with this? *brick warning*

Why the hell would you need to see the shell on your GP2X to recompile the kernel for your GP2X on a PC? For recompiling the kernel a shell that shows you everything during boot is handy, you have to run this so it's no good for that.


Looks sweet, good job.

Hmmm, I think I should stop offering to unbrick GP2X's, I think I see another load about to go that way.

"Hey, I can free some space, I don't NEED these files on the NAND ;) ;) ;)."
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nice. I think the best virtual keyboard so far is the frodo keyboard. maybe we can do something like that.
hmm the gp2x bluetooth upgrade is cheaper than the keyboard ;)
but could you get any bluetooth keyboard working then?
ok those small pda ones are still expensive but you can get normal pc keyboards for arround 15€ at ebay
1 question, when i typed in help to see a list of commands this thing supported it scrolld by too fast. what was the option to have it go page by page?
PSyMastR posted on Dec 6 2005 at 01:29 PM said:
1 question, when i typed in help to see a list of commands this thing supported it scrolld by too fast. what was the option to have it go page by page?

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jochang posted on Dec 6 2005 at 05:38 PM said:
Hi. Here is a simple terminal emulator for gp2x, sterm.
Oh my god this is by far the BEST software that has been released for the GP2X!!! Now, if only someone could merge EasyWrite with it... (hint hint)
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