Fehmi Can SAGLAM released a new version of STerm, a built-in shell ready to use with the gp2x (including a virtual keyboard and various shortcuts for important commands)
New in 0.5.0 "Zifin" 2007-01-18
* GNU Screen is bundled with sTerm so that users are
able to use more than one terminal at the same
* More than one profiles(configuration files) are
* SELECT + L BUTTON shows available profiles.
* Minor bug fixes.
Download: STerm v0.5.0
Homepage: http://www.fehmicans.net/sterm

New in 0.5.0 "Zifin" 2007-01-18
* GNU Screen is bundled with sTerm so that users are
able to use more than one terminal at the same
* More than one profiles(configuration files) are
* SELECT + L BUTTON shows available profiles.
* Minor bug fixes.
Download: STerm v0.5.0
Homepage: http://www.fehmicans.net/sterm