Help! Gp2x Burnt Me!!!

Mr. Anderson

Oct 17, 2005
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I should've listened to the incredible Safety Precautions in the GP2x Manual:

Manual said:
Do not take out batteries as soon as you finished using when you used the device very long time. You may get burnt.

Gotta love koreanglish :D -it took me some time to find out what that warning was actually reffering to(batteries overheating, however never noticed such a thing, they get warm at best) ^^
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they got so hot they burnt you? thats ridiculous... no wonder it drains the batteries like nooones business
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 05:42 PM said:
I should've listened to the incredible Safety Precautions in the GP2x Manual:

Manual said:
Do not take out batteries as soon as you finished using when you used the device very long time. You may get burnt.

Gotta love koreanglish :D -it took me some time to find out what that warning was actually reffering to(batteries overheating, however never noticed such a thing, they get warm at best) ^^
no, i think he was just least thats what his post is implying :huh:
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Korean English = Konglish.

That's what they call it out here anyway. I've heard a few gems so far.

Digital Camera = Dica. Pronounce it like "deeka" and think it sounds like "dicka". That one always makes me laugh.
We, korean prefer two-syllables for shorten term for recent gadgets :)
(not always, though)

ex. Digital camera -> Di Ca
Word Processor -> Word

And japanese prefer 4

ex. Digital camera -> Digi Came (not /keim/ but /ka-meh/)
Word Processor -> Wa Puro
Illustration -> I ra su to

:rolleyes: Sounds bit funny but both interesting.
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
I should've listened to the incredible Safety Precautions in the GP2x Manual:

Manual said:
Do not take out batteries as soon as you finished using when you used the device very long time. You may get burnt.

Gotta love koreanglish :D -it took me some time to find out what that warning was actually reffering to(batteries overheating, however never noticed such a thing, they get warm at best) ^^

If you think that's bad, my Mazda RX-8 manual has a page that tells you not to drop the car off the edge of a cliff, or to park it nose down on the road. It actually has a picture of a car with the front bumper nose down and a big line going through it.

I've kept that in mind - and tried not to flip the car.
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Don't drop your car off the edge of a cliff!
Dang I was planning to do that!
mysql101 posted on Dec 7 2005 at 06:48 PM said:
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
I should've listened to the incredible Safety Precautions in the GP2x Manual:

Manual said:
Do not take out batteries as soon as you finished using when you used the device very long time. You may get burnt.

Gotta love koreanglish :D -it took me some time to find out what that warning was actually reffering to(batteries overheating, however never noticed such a thing, they get warm at best) ^^

If you think that's bad, my Mazda RX-8 manual has a page that tells you not to drop the car off the edge of a cliff, or to park it nose down on the road. It actually has a picture of a car with the front bumper nose down and a big line going through it.

I've kept that in mind - and tried not to flip the car.
what would we do w/o those manuals???!?! :rolleyes:
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My 15 minute quickcharge 2200 mAh Energizers get REALLY hot. A 60mm fan turns on underneath them, and even then, after they're done, they can burn my hand if I hold them for more than a few seconds.

With powerful batteries after heavy usage/charging, you need to hold them by the contacts to not get burnt.
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 6 2005 at 09:42 AM said:
I should've listened to the incredible Safety Precautions in the GP2x Manual:

Manual said:
Do not take out batteries as soon as you finished using when you used the device very long time. You may get burnt.

Gotta love koreanglish :D -it took me some time to find out what that warning was actually reffering to(batteries overheating, however never noticed such a thing, they get warm at best) ^^

The technical word is Konglish.
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