Where I Can Find Drmd?


Still Fresh
Nov 30, 2005
I really would like to try it out with gunstar heros on the gp2x...

the current SNES emulator is great, but it does not have sound, and lots of games I tired hang at the initial company logo...

yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on Dec 4 2005 at 02:25 PM said:
What is DRMD?

I am new to this.

DRMD is a godly sega genesis emu that ran full speed on the gp2x with a bit of slowdowns in some games.

Now that he coded it for the gp2x im so happy :P 60fps deserves a paypal donation any day!

Hes almost done too is what it seems from looking at the main page ^.^
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Hanz™ posted on Dec 4 2005 at 01:58 PM said:
Patience. It is not public yet.

Thanbs Hanz. I thought the beta version was out already since there are many people discussing about it in another post.

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ryuho288 posted on Dec 4 2005 at 04:18 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Dec 4 2005 at 01:58 PM said:
Patience. It is not public yet.

Thanbs Hanz. I thought the beta version was out already since there are many people discussing about it in another post.


That's because we're a very excitable lot.
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x68000 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:03 AM said:
some of Reesys donators may have beta versions
No they don't?!!! :o :huh: :blink:
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x68000 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:12 PM said:
i'm sure i saw a post of davec's which looked as if he may have it already as he was commenting on the gp2x version of the emu.

Lies, I tell you. All Lies!
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To put matters to rest:

I donated to Reesy.
He responded quickly and kindly gave me a link to the beta version on the emu (which I neither asked for nor expected).
I played it (with Sonic no less), it is sweet and awesome and has made me a very happy bunny.
Sofox posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:20 PM said:
To put matters to rest:

I donated to Reesy.
He responded quickly and kindly gave me a link to the beta version on the emu (which I neither asked for nor expected).
I played it (with Sonic no less), it is sweet and awesome and has made me a very happy bunny.

Me too. It was an unexpected bonus, though as of yet I haven't got a gp2x to play it on :( . But soon as I have it Shining Force 1 and 2 will be played... constantly :D
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Nope, only some have got the beta yet.
I have it, and though it runs nice, it's not ready for public release yet.
Sorry I did not get a chance yesterday to send it out to my existing list of donators, email has been sent now though.
x68000 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:12 PM said:
i'm sure i saw a post of davec's which looked as if he may have it already as he was commenting on the gp2x version of the emu being 'real smooth'

ps. here is the link - http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showt...03&#entry308703

I haven't tried it yet on Gp2X. I was basing it on the fact that it it runs extremely well on the GP32. Since the GP2X has a bit more oomph and renders the screen more "normal" I was just guessing that it will be even smoother on it. I would also guess that since the Gp2X scans the screen in the same way as a megadrive that the water scanline pallette switch trick (half screen "transparencies") will be there now too.

Just educated guesses though.
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DaveC posted on Dec 5 2005 at 06:15 PM said:
I would also guess that since the Gp2X scans the screen in the same way as a megadrive that the water scanline pallette switch trick (half screen "transparencies") will be there now too.

Just educated guesses though.

I've not implemented that yet because I need to get HBLANK interrupts working in order to track the current vdp line being displayed because the display controller doesn't have a register to read. :(
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