Gp2x Or Bust!!!!/ Die Trying


Still Fresh
Nov 18, 2005
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I must have this awesome handheld yet i have no money so i have resorted to selling objects of mine for my GP2X fun I have:
1 ibanez electric guitar
1 spencer acoustic
a Zoom guitar pedal
a randall mini amp
two swords
a paintball gun
a BB pistol
a sony cd stereo
and old school BLACK game boy w. donkey kong

All of which are on sale if you are interested i can tell price and post pics and what not. I am located at north carolina so any larger items i would prefer to sell within the united states if possible. (shipping would probably cripil you any way :P )
Just make an offer as far as im concerned and it is an original black and red gameboy with some old school donkey kong. The ibanez is a meatalic red RG series if your still interested I can take some pics and post them latter
uuhhmmm...the rg series ibanez guitars can range from $80 - over $1500-$1600 dollars...

What model is it? 270? 270DX? 320? 550?
That model is no longer in production. Its hardly considered vintage too, they go around 80 to 90$.