

Mighty D Block
Aug 9, 2003
Adelaide, Australia
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I am not nathan(aka _counter)
we use the same computer in the apartment lobby along with alot of other people.Main reason there hooked up to a cable line, now lets get to bisnass(spelled improperly for a reason).
Since im a bit mad at nathan for giving me a dud file of his so called emulater i will try to do the immposible with a little... with alot of help we could get it to run metal slug 1-X yep youve geussed it a neo-geo emulater.
do i have any helpers
hmm, "they" both spell it "emulater" -- maybe their shared computer doesn't have an "o" key

person, please stop spamming our board
gp32animefreak posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
Since im a bit mad at nathan for giving me a dud file of his so called emulater i will try to do the immposible with a little... with alot of help we could get it to run metal slug 1-X yep youve geussed it a neo-geo emulater.
do i have any takers
Umm...sure, I'll take that. You code and release one, and I'll play it.
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Li Wang posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
gp32animefreak posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
Since im a bit mad at nathan for giving me a dud file of his so called emulater i will try to do the immposible with a little... with alot of help we could get it to run metal slug 1-X yep youve geussed it a neo-geo emulater.
do i have any takers
Umm...sure, I'll take that. You code and release one, and I'll play it.
Thats not what i meant
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Oh geez... I mod an anime board, and we had one member who had 8 seperate active accounts of both sexes. He had his alter egos fight with each other, tell dirty secrets about each other, etc.

How did we know?

Besides the fact that they all claimed to be from different cities but had the same IP...
Besides the fact they claimed to go to the same school, and that was why they were always on at the same time on the same PC...

It was cuz all of thm splled xactly teh sam and neve rused punktuation

He had the honor of being the first regular member ever to be banned.
Your 13 and you can't spell, that's pretty pathetic. There's an 11 year old on this board who can already outspell you. Although, he's only made a liro game... but amazingly enough you got a neo geo emulator running on gp32.... he's still a better programer then both of yo though, because his program isn't vaporware :P
i'm 32 and can't spell a thing...
nor can i programme a single line of code....
so i respected an 11,13 and 14 year old who can....
who care's if it's the same person,if he can bring neogeo and genisis emulation
to my gp32...
so well done i say to animefreak and counter...
and good luck on any forthcoming project's.
Meonlyeviler posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
Your 13 and you can't spell, that's pretty pathetic. There's an 11 year old on this board who can already outspell you. Although, he's only made a liro game... but amazingly enough you got a neo geo emulator running on gp32.... he's still a better programer then both of yo though, because his program isn't vaporware :P
Well it isn't vaporware, but its BAD :P
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Meonlyeviler posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
Your 13 and you can't spell, that's pretty pathetic.
It's "you're". Jabs at other people's spelling mistakes have a lot more impact when yours is correct.

As far as Nathan/gp32AnimeFreak/whoever else he is, I don't dislike him because of his age. I dislike him because he's a moron.

When you've been online as long as I have, you've seen this a million times. First is the "I wrote something but I won't show it to you" phase. Second is the "well now I'm not giving it to you, because you don't believe me" phase. We've already passed those two. Pretty soon comes the fake screen shots, and the fake testimonials from other fake accounts, saying that "no, they HAVE seen it and it's GREAT and TOO BAD for the rest of us!"

We all know Neo Geo ain't happenin', not any time soon, and not from a guy whose first post was a day or two ago. His website counter said I was visitor number ten.

... and, if he's using a "common computer" shared by the entire apartment complex, is that where he does his coding as well? C'mon.
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I do most of my C++ programing on nathans or mikes laptop since they have the best programs even thou im not even good enough to write a tetris game. I'm dedicated to making a neo geo emulater by compressing the ram and clocking the gp32 to a higher speed it could be done.
gp32animefreak posted on Aug 9 2003 said:
I'm dedicated to making a neo geo emulater by compressing the ram and clocking the gp32 to a higher speed it could be done.
ROTFL... compressing the ram would sure make it go faster :D :D And 'overclocking' the GP32 has already been covered by craig's experiment, good luck overclocking it too high without hardware modifications.

Flack, I too noticed those phases from previous boards I had frequented. Future braggarts will be dealt with more swiftly. Also notice the use of 'C++' as if C doesn't exist, as many wannabe coders always tell me they want to learn C++ since it is the buzzword of the time :)
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Heh yeah ... I remember a kid one time telling all of us he had a perfect port of the video game Dragon's Lair for his Commodore 64. He told us it was 100 floppies and you had to change disks every scene. Everytime we stopped by his house, his copy was strangely "loaned out." When we finally confronted him about it, he said "well since you don't believe I guess you don't need a copy." For being 15 years old, that story sounds oddly familiar.

Before, I was just convinced that this kid didn't have a Genesis emulator. Now I'm starting to think he doesn't even have a GP32. Think about it, he lives in some ghetto apartment where everyone shares one computer?
What, does he think hes gonna come here and revolutionize gamepark32 by posting a bunch of fake shit he could never make in a lifetime? Yeah i'm 8 and I managed to code a full speed playstation emulator by "compressing ram and overclocking the cpu" and i cant even spell yet. Amazingly enough, I didnt have to make one line of code, when I want to play I just pretend that i'm playing.