had problems all night could not for the life of me get the bloody kingston 1 gb to work formated it in fat 32 and fat still no joy so I popped it in my video camera and formated it in their .........wahooo...works a treat
had problems all night could not for the life of me get the bloody kingston 1 gb to work formated it in fat 32 and fat still no joy so I popped it in my video camera and formated it in their .........wahooo...works a treat
had problems all night could not for the life of me get the bloody kingston 1 gb to work formated it in fat 32 and fat still no joy so I popped it in my video camera and formated it in their .........wahooo...works a treat
Thats m$ winbloze for you. Has anybody tried to format a card as ReiserFS/Ext3/Ext2 or other Linux filesystems and got it to work? If someone could test it that would be fantastic.