More Mods

Sep 7, 2003
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forgive me, but I think we need more mods on here. and in particular mods who have a GP2X.

As far as I can work out only Hando and EvilDragon have/intend to have a GP2X, with Rico sorting out off-topic. But there are loads of mods who never visit/post anymore...

I know the ones left are working hard and cant be online at all times etc, and we therefore need more mods to post news and accept new News threads. News threads can be slow to be accepted sometimes (snes emu release for example).

I vote trooper for mod! He was an early adopter, is a long time member, and is already a guru, so would be a great choice (if interested that is).

NES emu released. : )
But no thread allowed yet. : (

edit- ok that was very fast, but Vimacs suggestion would be useful for when EvilDragon is not around....

Maybe it would be a good idear to let any "guru" accept news posts?
definitely a very good idea!
Vimacs for mod? why not, we could use a strict mod or two.
so long as the newbies get their answers after being insulted for not searching :rolleyes:

so my vote goes to vimacs
daveC>hehehe. I wouldn't want to fear the wrath..he might just close all threads where people disagree with him. Which would be the same as taking down the boards.
He is on the ball with alot of things though.
I actually think that DaveC would be a good choice -- if he was interested.

How come no one has put Spam Fisher's name forward yet? I think he's funny.
Hmm... If DaveC were able to act impartially when it came to killing topics, then I'd say he might actually be quite a good choice - he is on quite a lot, and, whilst he is clearly overly pessimistic (sorry Dave, but you are, whatever you say), he does tend (except in the odd flame war where reason seems to go out the window for everyone), to post well thought-out comments.

Who else...

I'd suggest Squidge, but I suspect he'd decline (he is on a fair bit, but he also spends quite a bit of time on helping out this community already in terms of code, let alone taking on the somewhat mammoth responsibility of policing the forums).

Otherwise, not sure.

I suspect Vimacs would make a good Nazi mod in the style of Rico in his heyday. Trouble is, I think some legitimate stuff would get hackandslashed too.

Note: I'm not accusing Vimacs of being a Nazi... but those who were around when Rico was taking an incredibly hard line will know what I mean.
C'mon Iorgy77 man!
You're from Oz, you know where I'm coming from and don't admit that you don't find some of my posts funny....or do you think they're all retarded?
You and I are in Australia man, you're my n!gga, right? B)
I think I'd make a good mod. Im agressive, yet peaceful at the same time. Im a fun dude, I may be a GP2X newbie, but I can sure rangle a herd of rowdy people on a forum. Anyone (especcialy trolls) who come in here causing trouble. Ill ban them or whatever.

Ive been a mod at a small...VERY VERY VERY small was cool while it lasted.
I think I'd make a good mod. Im agressive, yet peaceful at the same time. Im a fun dude, I may be a GP2X newbie, but I can sure rangle a herd of rowdy people on a forum. Anyone (especcialy trolls) who come in here causing trouble. Ill ban them or whatever.

Ive been a mod at a small...VERY VERY VERY small was cool while it lasted.

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I should be mod. I'm on here too much anyways....
Other than that vimacs could be quite a fun mod.