what games do you accutally play on ngpc


Mar 19, 2003
The emulator is still extreamly slow and lacks sound so I don't find much to be really playable however the one and only games that I can really handle playing on it is neo-turf masters. I am not a huge gold fan but this game seems to work well considering the speed of the emulator and something about it just has me hooked. I have tried a few others and they all seem to be to slow to be really worth playing at this point.
It is not "extremly slow" I´m playing Samurai Shodown 2 at reasonable speed. I don´t know how it´s supposed to be but to me it´s fine.
I've never played Metal slug before so I'm enjoying it regardless of the speed.

Hear no evil! See no evil!
You should try Metal Slug on Neo-Geo like generalnmx said; it's a great game.
But if you havent got bottemless pockets :o the try it on the playstation or the gba :D
If you have't got any pockets at all download Kawaks for PC and you can emulate most of the neogeo games out their inlcuding the slugs. dont even need that good of pc.

edit and yeah whta do u mean extremely slow. Metal Slugs play fine w/ frame skip 2-3 on 156mhz along with Sonic/ But is it just me or sonic freezes adter the 1st level?
Yeah Sonic does freeze after the first level, but I'm quite happy just seeing it run in the first place.

Anyhoo I've been thinking about getting a Neo-Geo, it's one of the few remaining unchartered territories for me, I've just started on the PCengine scene so it might take me a while to get around to it. As for metal slug I'll go and emulate it right away.
I'm playing Magical Drop, but the A and B button are exactly exchanged compared to the Arcade version, which makes this game really hard to play...

Hopefully there will be a button switcher on one of the next versions :)