Lots Of Skins To Come

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What I have seen recently is that more and more peoples on Korean forums are making skins for GP2x, since it's very easy to replace default bitmaps in .png. I wouldn't dare to test my artistic skill, but I can see a buncha people with real skills releasing some kick ass skins in the near future.
I had some ideas about that... I wonder just how much is skinable, if its just png's using transparency for the background, buttons, etc... the possibilities are endless. Well, I'd like to make myself a little animated one, should they support it.
I made this one yesterday:


KDE r00lz B)
Looks like the music menu is going to be the biggest bitch to change the skin for, but still should be no probs.

efegea, the GP2X logo at the top there, with the transparent bg - did you do it yourself or is there one with transparency available somewhere? I'm lazy....
efegea, the GP2X logo at the top there, with the transparent bg - did you do it yourself or is there one with transparency available somewhere? I'm lazy....

It's the logo from gp2x.co.kr, with colors inverted and "screen" layer effect (on The Gimp)

efegea, fancy releasing the pack or making an english version? I would gladly have that on my baby ^_^

I don't have my GP2X yet so I can't test it, but if you want I can release it
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Here is my first mock up, made with inkscape using the gartoon icons:


Hehe this is going to be fun (when I can actually afford one that is).

Ok, here is my first public release of a skin


1. Create a folder named SKINS on the root of the SD (ok, this is only for organization, all skins can go here)
2. Unzip both zip files inside SKINS folder
3. Run imgall.gpu in GP2Xskin_KDE_CRISTALSVG_by_efegea folder from "utils" menu
4. If you want to restore factory skin, run imgall.gpu from default_skin folder

I have not my GP2X yet, so I can't test if. If you find any bug, please tell me and I will update it.

Please, take some photos and if posible some video of the skin on a running GP2X, mostly of main menu and music player :) :) :)