Best Drinking Game


Mostly Harmless
Feb 2, 2004
Brighton, UK
Not the obvious drinking games - I'm talking about settling down with a few beers for a gaming session.

So my nomination is: Rampart - nice round based play, giving you a chance for a swig avery 30 seconds or so, and the skill factor required isn't too high that double vision gets in the way...

Any others?
I was eagerly about to write down some drinking games then I found out you meant video games :(

Sometimes me and my nerdier friends get together for some hot Gamecube action - Super Smash Brothers Melee, Mario Party, Mario Kart &Soul Calibur. I am however looking for other suggestions, maybe Wario Ware Touched? I find drinking makes these games a lot more fun, especially Mario Party, as we can laugh at some of the stupidest shit in that game.

Also we've played Worms (WWP/A), Mame games, Micro Machines (V3/96), Gauntlet (only once, never again), etc.

Out of all of those the closest that matches your tastes would be Worms. Round based, fun, doesn't really require that much skill (unless someone's played it a lot), very funny.
I was eagerly about to write down some drinking games then I found out you meant video games

Go for it - could add some interesting confusion to the thread...

Worms - ah yes - excellent fun when you're pissed. Mind you, I quite often find the red mist descends and I take out the nearest worm which turns out to be my own when I'm sober...
Micro Machines PS1
Chu Chu Rocket DC
Pro Evo PS2
Powerstone DC
Amplitude PS2

as for regular drinking games Reservoir Dogs is a good one, watch the movie and everytime they say the word F**K you have to neck a shot, obviously this can be played
using any movie, last one standing wins.
since everybody is mentioning worms, i can also advertise my scorched GP game :D

and sliders 32 might also do the trick (especially the esher pattern can be quite interesting once you drank a few beers i imagine), not to mention you can add your own images to make it more interesting.

or even my racegame in the minigame project, do a race, drink a bit, do another race, drink a bit,... but i doubt you'll be setting records :D
Katamari Damacy

Or theres always the classic N64 wrestling game WCW/NWO revenge, which is a very amusing game.
When i'm drunk with my friends i just play Tekken Tag Tournament... it's a lot of fun:

- Hey man, When KUMA has learn to do the Hell's Sweeps?
- Yay i win! Yoshimitsu rools!!! -Wait man! i was yoshimitsu nor you! - Hummm, are you sure? I think that i was player 1... lol

Mashed on the XBox is cool, plus the name is appropriate :D

The original UT is a good choice too. The later versions lead to a condition called "drunken eyes", which occurs when the graphics get too complicated and all the projectiles/players merge into the background.
Mario Kart, any version.

Haha, thanks, I'd forgotten that one!

I played it on the SNES absolutely toasted during my student days, and got both sets of neighbours hammering on our door to complain about the shouted obscenities :D

Multiplayer games really are a fantastic end to a good night out, it has to be said (well, if you came home minus "company" anyway ;)) Gaming anti-social? Not necessarily :)
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or even my racegame in the minigame project, do a race, drink a bit, do another race, drink a bit,... but i doubt you'll be setting records :D


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Haha, wrestling, didn't think of that.

International Drinking Rules - my friend Lewis keeps on wittering on about this and has introduced me to a few. Here's some links:

And a quote:

"So, a typical line of dialogue from a neophyte playing a drinking game with us goes something like: "Okay Stu, that's three drinks for you. [pointing and catching himself] Oh shit, that means I have to drink as well now. Fuck, no swearing either. I hate that fucking rule! How many drinks do I have now?" earning himself a total of 8 drinks."

This weekend we plan to play the Circle of Death...
You can't beat a good ol' game of Skins on a PGA golf game.

However if your tastes stretch to something little more herbal, an entire test season on Brian Lara cricket, I advise a large bag of nachos and plenty of beers for this.

Do not, repeat do not then attemt a game of Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, this will result in your brain involuntarily shutting down.

I'm off down the garage for a pasty and some orange juice, does anybody want 'owt?
Wario ware inc. mega party games. It's hilarious enough when sober, and even more so when drunk. And plenty of time between rounds for a quick swig.

I would have to say that DD revolution is good too, or any other games demanding concentration, reflexes and coordination- all the things that get (even) worse as you imbibe more ;)

Oh, and I also don't actually drink much, so these are based on those rare occasions where I have, or when I'm tired enough that there's essentially no difference :) (being very tired apparently produces all the same effects of being drunk :blink:)
Multicultural Chess.
Mix up your players so that each player has the same amount of black pieces as white, and blakc can only take black, and white white. Hilarity insues!