Screen scratching


Still Fresh
Mar 24, 2003
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No i am not the phantom screen scratcher and sniffer!

But i would like to know if you can but screen protectors or a removable disposable film, i dont really want a bulky carry case, and i would like my gp32 (when it arrives) to be with me at all times, any my pockets are usually full of coins, but no notes:(
Your GP32 should already have a protective film on it.

My advice is not to remove it, although your screen will not be as sharp.
The GP32 does come with a sheet of vinyl to protect the screen. However, it will get worn over time. You can buy vinyl very very cheaply (less than $1 for enough to cover the screen at least 8 times, maybe more). Try Wal-Mart if you're in the US or a fabric store anywhere.

There are also commercial screen protectors available for PDAs. However, they're way overpriced compared to bulk vinyl, and I doubt they would offer more protection.

I wouldn't trust just vinyl or PDA screen protectors to save your screen. I've been working on a case that fits easily in my pocket. You can see some photos here:
Does the ginger cat come as standard with the gp32 case?

Does the case need feeding?

cheers for the link
Nope, cat sold separately. :rolleyes:

Just to be sure there's no misunderstanding, I'm not selling the case at all, just showing an idea for adapting the case to the GP32.