
c0ncept posted on Oct 29 2005 at 05:01 AM said:
Jaw posted on Oct 28 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
chavs have no money because they spend it all on booze and smokes.


iignotus posted on Oct 28 2005 at 10:13 PM said:
This sounds exactly like what a lot of people in America think about some blacks in the ghetto.

iignotus, you've summed it up perfectly. Its all about class snobbery and ignorance.

@Sam either grow up and start expressing your views in a mature way or piss off :angry:
@me? What did i do?
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sam fisher posted on Oct 28 2005 at 09:32 PM said:
Burn the possessed HEITHAN!


it was late, I was tired...I get grouchy
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drove past 3 today... They walk like they are carrying Rolls of Carpet under each arm :P
The bitches run around here with fucking chainsaws. Have you seen them in their white matching tracksuits? It looks weird and shit. All people who dress like that are sad.
declaration posted on Oct 29 2005 at 01:02 PM said:
People who judge and categorise people because of what they like to wear are sad.

its not only what they wear, its their attitude...
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Steve-O posted on Oct 29 2005 at 02:07 PM said:
declaration posted on Oct 29 2005 at 01:02 PM said:
People who judge and categorise people because of what they like to wear are sad.

its not only what they wear, its their attitude...
Yeah, after a while you just start to associate the clothes with their attitude/behaviour.
Loads of Chavs have Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.

I saw some Chav go up to an old woman in the street who couldn't walk properly and mimic her. They are all complete Bastards.
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finty posted on Oct 29 2005 at 04:40 PM said:
I hope you all realise not all working class people are like this.

This thread reeks of intolerence.
Working Class people aren't by definition Chavs.
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Hanz™ posted on Oct 29 2005 at 03:13 PM said:
I saw some Chav go up to an old woman in the street who couldn't walk properly and mimic her. They are all complete Bastards.

I also saw a chav do that a few months ago while their chav bastard friends were laughing from across the road...
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Anyone who wants to defend, stereotype or deride others who talk about this class of people (who have decided to be this class by choice) needs to understand how utterly lovely it is to live near these people. We were so happy to live by a group of these so called 'chavs', that we left the United Kingdom, and now live abroad.

So before anyone tells me off for a bit of Chav Bashing, please ask oneself if you really understand how lovely these people are.

BTW, this post is not a flame, just a point being made. And if anyone wants a list of what they did to me and my family, and what we tried to do in return, but were told by the police to not do etc (?), then just ask. But you can probably imagine. Again, unless you've lived by these delightfull fellas, (of any class, not in any way making any class, racial stereotypical statements here!) you don't really know how extreme the habits of the 'Chav' can be!!!

Oh, how I miss them! Deutschland Ueberalles!!!
Hey guess what, I'm working class but I don't remember signing up for it.
I had to move house and school because chavs beat me up every day. I don't need "you probably need more confidence etc though, just a shotgun. I don't think anybody said anything unfare about chavs, and if they had I don't see why It matters- I doubt very much some chav is crying somewhere because he managed to use the internet and realised there was a universal lack of empathy for his subspecies.
weirdspawningkid posted on Oct 29 2005 at 08:09 PM said:
Hey guess what at I'm working class but I don't remember signing up for it.
I had to move house and school because chavs beat me up every day. I don't need "you probably need more confidence etc though, just a shotgun. I don't think anybody said anything unfare about chavs, and if they had I don't see why It matters- I doubt very much some chav is crying somewhere because he managed to use the internet and realised there was a universal lack of empathy for his subspecies.
Chavs have managed to use the internet? :o (and I mean this in the term of other than msn, which is a haven for the slags.
Oh, and piczo)
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OMG good hting i scanned this thread. look!

haha, this chav lot sound funny as hell.
we used to live in the UK waaay back in 92-95, and i remember this lot around our neighborhood that sound very much like what you guys described. man are they irritating! and it is hard to defend yourself since they always roll deep.
i've lived in not so good neighborhoods forever, though, and shit like this is universal. not so bad here, though.

anyway, lubidog, share your story :D

norton pic hilarious!