I'm looking for a program that will take a .txt file and wrap the text to 80 characters across (I'm pretty sure that is the max for kReader), anyone have any ideas?
Lazy Reader will auto wrap the text for you, but it's still a little bit crap at the moment 'cos I've not had time to work on it for a while.
I think there must be a pc converter out there somewhere to wrap your file to 80 chars 'cos the texts on Project Guttenberg seem to be wrapped to 60 something characters and I can't see someone sitting there manually fixing the width.
Although it's far from finished, it's still useable if you use the auto scroll mode. It's only really the page flipping that has slight problems (the other unfinished areas are mainly cosmetic things like colours, fonts and just generally making it look nice). One of the reasons I've not had much time to work on it lately it because I'm half way through using it to read War In The Air by H G Wells
If you want to try the beta, make sure you get the latest version (url is below) because it now supports position saving.
I'm redoing my U-Book reader from scratch soon. With more different smooth fonts / bookmarks / etc.. (+ full european lang. support) + (power saving stuff / mod player / mp3? player and "text search")
GPFM reader uses 133Mhz = so use it more often... it loves your batteries very much 8))))
but actually.. it seems that we'll have some more text-readers for GP32 soon. I'd wait and check 'em out
Blimey, seems stupid that theyve put the same clock speed to run full speed pc engine as to read a txt file. Anything with a cpu basically can read a .txt.... Ill get a new reader then
Yeah it is, but it would make more sence it if the clock was increased just wen u wanted to use the mp3 function, not just wen u wanted to read text. Its still the best file manager on the gp tho
While we are talking about ebooks in GPFM, does anyone else have the problem with words being split across two lines... is it the books im trying to view, or is the wordwrap in GPFM no good ???
Well, if I can't find anything, I'll just write it myself I guess. I am doing Windows programing now anyway. I'm a bit lazy and was hoping to find a ready-made solution.
That will be coming in Lazy Reader. I don't see the point in all these fancy fonts other readers sometimes have 'cos it usually just makes the text unreadable. The main benefit I see to having different fonts is to have a couple of different fonts, with several sizes for each.
This will be the next feature I'll be adding, as soon as I find the time to sit down and figure out how to convert existing fonts into something usuable. If anyone has any code for doing this, please let me know
If its using the SDK for text output, it's all bitmap fonts, and I think you're only allowed 2 character sets (English and Korean by default). So to do resizable fonts properly would be a lot of work. However, it would be fairly easy to just scale the image, but it would look terrible.