Emulators on a Korean Site


Jul 22, 2003
Visit site
edit* correcting the link, again removing the link sorry for the trouble I may have caused, it was good intentions honestly. I am leaving the video though cuz its pretty cool/
SephirothIce posted on Jul 24 2003 said:
then why is everyone asking for a Neo Geo Pocket emulator?
Isn't that emulator the beta of the one that is being worked on? For some reason I have a fealing that some of them (probally the ngp and the gba one) might contain a virus or do something to your gp32...
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I virus scanned them, nothing came up. I also found it through a GP32 korean discussion board, using the translator worldlingo to translate the site. They say that the NGP runs well and that the GBA is a bit sluggish.
SephirothIce - A couple of the emulators on that site shouldn't be available to the public; so you might want to remove the link before a moderator does.
Thats pretty impressive sleuthing for a translator program Seph, unfortunately it seems that the emulators there have been available for awhile (though some are new) The Korean scene doesn't seem to be as focused on emulation, probably due to the poor availibility of Korean translations for the old systems. Alot of them seem to be trying their hand at tech demos and a few homebrew games, I'm getting what I can off GPzigi.
I removed the quote. How do people get the private betas anyways? The only people who should have a private beta should be the author and the people who write the news for gp32xtreme, right?

you may have a little trouble understanding it, try world lingo like sephiroth. I'll spend some time on this site but I don't know enough about programming to know if you guys would find any of this source especially useful.
I tried the ngp emulator and it was really slow. It ran at 22 fps on frame skip 3 no sound on motm and sonic. I haven't tried the gba emulator yet.
the translations are mere cryptic clues that seem 2 follow no sense for example the chat room warning
Before using the knowing oneself and one's opponent chatting room, consideration fact

1. The tube wearing body and the curses back, to great disaster relative minutes it will wind unpleasantly and Un line which is the possibility of decreasing the staring route to have self-control it wishes.

i mean whattt ! :/
It's those kurazay Korean people, unlucky. No one can understand them...

The tube sock waffle iron ran over my left mp3 smile

Ok, so I made that up...
:angry: PEOPLE ARE STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!

Why you don't respect anything and in this case my work !!!!

I just contact 4 provider and webmaster of korean site about lammer that have version of my emu.

Why you don't jsut wait for a correct version ?

:angry: PEOPLE ARE STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!
Im with ThunderZ.

When someones taken the time to put together a piece of code, especially a reasonably complex one like the NGPC emulator, why jepordise the project by giving out links to a shoddy korean site thats obviosuly stole them from somewhere?

The GP32 fan base is one of the best ive ever seen, but please let people release their own software versions when theyre ready, after all, they are doing you a favour :P.

Lesson to be learned methinks: Check where the emulators are from and whose they are before posting them.

Finally, i hope all of this doesnt persuade ThunderZ to quit his project, although i believe he would be perfectly justified in doing so.