xvid encodes


May 16, 2003
just giving it a try, used the version of the xvid codec thats linked on the gpcine page on entware,

used vdub encoded at 12fps, 128 video and 32, 11k stereo for audio,

results look ok but if i fastforward or rewind the audio just starts from the beginning of the whole video no matter where i started playing from,

pausing the video doesn't do this, it'll carry on from the right point

any ideas whats going on here
Shane posted on Jul 26 2003 said:
hello bradley :lol:

does anyone know of any avatar editors? I want my log to speak. :P
Just use an animated gif editor, unFREEze is the easiest and quickest i think
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make sure you use the exact xvid build on the joygp site, others will cause problems.

I have used Xvid encoding and the FF works fine.

I am using the codec one from the JoyGP site....
I have also experienced this error once.
It was when I cut some part out of my already encoded video.
My guess is, that this action somehow messes the header up.

did you do anything like that?
yes i was just doing a short sample to see how well it worked, if that is the problem then i'll be happy as it wont matter when i do the whole thing, i guess i'll give it another go if theres a chance it'll be ok when i do the whole episode