Gp2x's New Image

Yes it is very NGPC looking. :) Just imagine a NGPC emu running on it full speed with sound someday... Finally having backlit NGPC games... *drool*

Damn I'm getting very impatient waiting for it now. :P
damn every time I check he site with either google or bablefish it always jumps to another site before I can see if anything interesting is being said... on the bright side all of the reader responses seem to be favorable as there's a lot of "Well" and "review" in the same sentence.

I couldnt tell if the white around the screen was just the edge of the screen or if they actually had a boarder drawn around the front of one unit. I like the color of the buttons though, gray but not to brightly gray.
I really like how this turned out. It would look even better without the battery pack for sure but I like it with AAs.

The only problem here is that the USB and PSU ports are still on the right side. This means that you can't for example (if it's possible) connect 2 units through a USB cable or use a PSU instead of batteries. I would have prefered all ports on the bottom, even the headphone port because it's more practical. Ports on the right side would work if they where higher up where you don't have your fingers when playing.
Wow, Now It looks sexy again :D

Also, No It's no Mulit-Game player nomore

Now it's an Personal Entertainment Player ^^ :P

What do you make of the stick material?

They should have photoshopped a GP to that figure's hands... :)

Oh, it was one big picture, instead of several small ones... :huh:
Looks very nice indeed :)

I like the button color too. What's with the stick though? Seems like the top has some special material or a slighly rough surface maybe. I hope it's to prevent finger slipping :)

400Mhz CPU (same as the Gizmondo)
64MB SDRAM, 512KB NOR Flash and 20GB HDD
Display 320 x 240 (3.5 inches) Touch Screen
USB 2.0 (powered?) Host
Video Camera
Voice Recorder
FM Radio
Remote control for media functions

But no 2D or 3D chip as far as I can see...
...and the stick and buttons look awful for gaming
The stick have looked like that on all images (even the white one). But the plastic used for these buttons have a very high reflectivity giving some extreme contrast making the bumps more pronounced.

The Bestapro unit have a lot of nice features but it's no game machine when it comes to buttons, the pad is phone style, thumb buttons are not 90 degree placed and it have no shoulder buttons. However, for anyone who want a groovy PDA this is a good bet. I like it how they got all the pheripals sorted out and included in the package. It's probably quite expensive too, around PSP ($300) is my bet.
WOW, its really nice now, heres the only things I don't like.

1. Dumb place for usb, and DC in.
2. The rubber "caps" that cover all the ports (I hate those things so much)
3. The headphones being on top (with a rubber thing)
4. The battery buldge
5. That drop down buldge (at the bottom of unit) bothers me a little
6. The yellow power thing is WAY to bright of a color, very distracting
7. Last but not least the stick that no one knows what to think of yet.

Anyone else notice they had one up and running (sure it had a power adapter) but I have not seen one running yet!
I want videos!
Nightmaresquad2 posted on Oct 9 2005 at 04:34 PM said:
Rip the rubber thing off.
Put tape over the LED yellow light to dim it.

Problem solved.

Nice down to earth solution :lol:
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