Contact To Gp32 Commercial Developers!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I was planning to contact all the GP32 commercial game developers and try to get a licence to offer the lost games at the GP32x File Archive.

However, a lot of websites are gone.

Does anyone have any contact adresses or more infos about commercial game devs?

Also maybe some unreleased games info (I KNOW there exists a website with tons of unreleased games somewhere, but I have forgotten the link...), maybe I can get my hands on some unfinished games to release...

Thanks a lot!
EvilDragon posted on Sep 28 2005 at 10:34 PM said:
I was planning to contact all the GP32 commercial game developers and try to get a licence to offer the lost games at the GP32x File Archive.

However, a lot of websites are gone.

Does anyone have any contact adresses or more infos about commercial game devs?

Also maybe some unreleased games info (I KNOW there exists a website with tons of unreleased games somewhere, but I have forgotten the link...), maybe I can get my hands on some unfinished games to release...

Thanks a lot!

I hope you can somehow get a version of Blue Angelo, that was a good game that many of us couldn't get because of high price and/or limited availability.
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TandeM posted on Sep 29 2005 at 12:57 AM said:
JyCet had the abandoned games page, but now it's gone (Google's caches/Wayback Machine aren't turning anything up either)

Link (dead):

Ah, thanks! That won't be a problem, as I have eMail contact with JyCet :)

DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 01:02 AM said:
I hope you can somehow get a version of Blue Angelo, that was a good game that many of us couldn't get because of high price and/or limited availability.

I haven't asked them, because the game is still available boxed for 30 Euro.
I only want to offer games which REALLY aren't available at a shop.
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EvilDragon posted on Sep 28 2005 at 11:26 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 01:02 AM said:
I hope you can somehow get a version of Blue Angelo, that was a good game that many of us couldn't get because of high price and/or limited availability.

I haven't asked them, because the game is still available boxed for 30 Euro.
I only want to offer games which REALLY aren't available at a shop.

Where can you still get it? I tried to buy it but it got lost in the post so I was never able to get it. Are there some shops that will ship to the US?

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Great idea, ED!

Super Plusha - Not sure how to contact them, the website is HERE but it seems like its been abandoned....

Her knights - Made by Byulbram, whose website can be found HERE. There's an e-mail adress at the bottom but it might be out of date (as it looks like it hasn't been updated for quite some time) and i'm not sure how well they'd understand english.

Astonishia story R- Made by Sonnori, website can be found HERE. It looks like they'r porting ASR to the psp (look at one of the links) but as i don't speak korean (or whatever language it is) i have no idea what it says.

Funny Soccer - made by Metarica, i couldn't find a working link....

GP Fight! - Made by TeamBlaze, i couldn't find a working link....

Hany Party Game - I couldn't find anything....

Kimchi-men - Made by Spearhead, i couldn't find a working link....

Little Wizard - I couldn't find anything.....

Pinball Dreams - Made by Logik State, website can be found HERE (I didn't see anything about Pinball Dreams on there though......)

Princess Maker 2 - Made by Ninelives, website can be found HERE.

Raphael - Made by T3 Entertainment, website can be found HERE

Rally Pop - I couldn't find much about this game....

Tanggle's Magic Squares - I couldn't find much about this game, looks like it was developed by "EZ" .....

Therapy - Made by Rosa:6, i couldn't find any link.....

Tomak: Save the Earth Again! - Made by Seed9, website can be found HERE.

Treasure Island - I couldn't find much.....

Wizard Slayer - Made by FZ Media, i couldn't find a link.....

I hope this helps!

BTW, I used THIS site to find info on the games and developers for the commercial gp32 games.
DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 02:42 AM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 28 2005 at 11:26 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 01:02 AM said:
I hope you can somehow get a version of Blue Angelo, that was a good game that many of us couldn't get because of high price and/or limited availability.
I haven't asked them, because the game is still available boxed for 30 Euro.
I only want to offer games which REALLY aren't available at a shop.
Where can you still get it? I tried to buy it but it got lost in the post so I was never able to get it. Are there some shops that will ship to the US?

It's available where it has been available from the start:
At the Shibuya Game Store :)

Shipping is 5 EUR anywhere outside Europe :)
So that's 35 EUR alltogether (which is a good price - I paid 79 EUR when I bought it).
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EvilDragon posted on Sep 28 2005 at 09:07 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 02:42 AM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 28 2005 at 11:26 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 29 2005 at 01:02 AM said:
I hope you can somehow get a version of Blue Angelo, that was a good game that many of us couldn't get because of high price and/or limited availability.
I haven't asked them, because the game is still available boxed for 30 Euro.
I only want to offer games which REALLY aren't available at a shop.
Where can you still get it? I tried to buy it but it got lost in the post so I was never able to get it. Are there some shops that will ship to the US?

It's available where it has been available from the start:
At the Shibuya Game Store :)

Shipping is 5 EUR anywhere outside Europe :)
So that's 35 EUR alltogether (which is a good price - I paid 79 EUR when I bought it).

i it worth the money? i would like to purchase a copy :)
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I paid the same as you evildragon, umm, maybe try getting ahold of gamepark holdings and seeing if they can help out seeing as they setup the last pay-to-download gp32 games site, they might have good connections and be willing to help ;)

daclassicgamingmaster: It's a pretty good castlevania-type game imo, there's even 4 characters (3 which are fundamentally the same guy just a little different though) and it'll keep you occupied for longer than any other commercial gp32 game I think (cause all the rpg's are in korean :S)
Hooka posted on Sep 28 2005 at 09:29 PM said:
I paid the same as you evildragon, umm, maybe try getting ahold of gamepark holdings and seeing if they can help out seeing as they setup the last pay-to-download gp32 games site, they might have good connections and be willing to help ;)

daclassicgamingmaster: It's a pretty good castlevania-type game imo, there's even 4 characters (3 which are fundamentally the same guy just a little different though) and it'll keep you occupied for longer than any other commercial gp32 game I think (cause all the rpg's are in korean :S)
thanks hooka :) . is it worth the fat price??
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There's a review of Blue Angelo on this forum in the reviews section.

35 Euro still comes out to $50CAD, which is quite a lot for a game... I really want to get this game, but it's still a bit too expensive for me... it might be worth it, though, if this is the only chance I'll ever get to buy a boxed GP game (it's boxed, right?)

But seriously, why can't they offer to sell this game online? :(

ED, were you planning on selling these games or offering them for free?

Anyway, here are some other games that I would like:

GloopDX (oh wait, that's still available here for $5.50... I wonder if someone should email that guy and tell him about the GP2X?)
Wanna Be Wizard w/ english translation (whatever happened to the translation, seriously? The last I heard of it, it was FINISHED - some member of this forum worked several months on it - but then it was never released... the link should still be in the news section)
Tomak (of course)
daclassicgamingmaster: It's a good game but I have to admit it's quite expensive... If you like castlevania type games and think of it as the most you'll ever spend on a gp32 game (most others you can get from gp32z for quite cheap) then it's definitely worth the money.

Esn: Was ~$100 CAD when I got it :( good thing it was partially paid as a christmas gift... and yes, it is boxed. I think the reason for not selling it online is that they don't have the encrypting software available to them.
years ago, now emuholic, used to have a section that had commercial games listed, it had every game, published, non published, still in the works, everything, even the capcom games. I think this might be what you are thinking of ED, maybe the webmaster of emuholic can get you that information, if its the same person from old gp32emu.
Angel posted on Sep 29 2005 at 03:02 AM said:
years ago, now emuholic, used to have a section that had commercial games listed, it had every game, published, non published, still in the works, everything, even the capcom games.  I think this might be what you are thinking of ED, maybe the webmaster of emuholic can get you that information, if its the same person from old gp32emu.

Yes, Emuholic is the same as gp32emu (it also incorporates GBAemu & ZodiacGamer actually) - it's just that we now have all the handhelds covered from a main hub, including GP32 and GP2X. The webmaster you're thinking of is Guyfawkes, who also is well known for coding some homebrew GP32 games as well. If you click one of the little system's icons, you'll go to the section for just that system. See

The GP32 content section is here. You may be referring to Guyfawkes Homegrown Software guide.
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actually on guyfawkes had a large list of commercial games, planned, released, unreleased, ect. used to be an interesting thing to check out... too bad they didn't all get released <_<
Ahh, thanks a lot JyCet, nice list :)
I hope I can find out about the developers...

BTW: Crododingus Levels are coming along quite nicely :D