Quake port


Still Fresh
Lets say u port quake over to the gp32 and get the best speed possible, how fast could it get? Guessing it would be REALLY slow (the pocketpc port runs like crap even with only a small part of the screen and they have better cpus and more ram). Could a game engine be made for the gp32 with lower spec that can play quake game files? Oh and while Im here can someone give me some advice on where to start with gp32 programming, guessing I need to learn arm asm and C - any info on good books or websites would be great.
i've leant a lot of thought to this, and the problem is that quake is extremely floating-point intensive. every position in space relies on floating point values. however, if i recall correctly, these values don't go much above or below a relatively low value (around the ±1024.0 area). the gp32 is 32bit, so can handle 32 bit integers quite happily - these go from ±2147483648. So, by taking the (freely available) quake source code, replacing every floating point reference with an integer 100000 times larger (and modifying all the datafiles accordingly), you have a far less accurate quake which makes use only of integer math - which portable cpus like the ARM920 are good at. this integer-quake would need heavy optimisation, of course - every single section that could concievably be replaced with an assembly equivalent for speed would be good - but in theory an integer-based handheld-friendly quake could be created...

--jo "directhex" shields
If someone could make me a makefile for it to compile on dka then i could port it, but it cant make a makefile to save my life only makefile for small projects. Quake has about 100 files to add to make file :(
There is a quake port to the archemedies that is full speed - so a GP32 version should easily be able to reach full speed.

My route would be to get the person who did the archemedies one (actually there are 2 ports so contact both people) and ask them to port the arc version to the gp32.


Thanks, is it less brutal (Because it is macines, not people). I like FPSs, but all of them that I can find are a bit to brutal (I don't like it and my parents would probably get mad at me for playing something brutal if I did.)
well its brutal, more brutal than doom!
but the enemies are all like cyborg mutants and stuff, depends on what you are like, i have become desensitised to this kinda thing now:)