Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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LOL, I would never try slim fast. Like I already said, I don't care about being fat, but I'm not suprised that they make you fatter anyway. Most diet foods do(I have not ever cared about my weight, so no I do not know this from personal experience.).
Magus 86 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 01:26 AM said:
LOL, I would never try slim fast. Like I already said, I don't care about being fat, but I'm not suprised that they make you fatter anyway. Most diet foods do(I have not ever cared about my weight, so no I do not know this from personal experience.).

Well thats bullshit

if someone came up to you and said, I WILL MAKE YOU INSTANTLY THIN

i think you'd probably go for it

I mean lets list the advantages of being fat shall we:

- Early Grave
- You'll have bigger boobs than your girlfriend
- It's a struggle to get onto an aeroplane
- Comedy movies aren't as good when they are taking the piss out of a character just like you
- You may be tempted to eat your comrades
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mattmagoo posted on Sep 19 2005 at 06:02 AM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 01:26 AM said:
LOL, I would never try slim fast. Like I already said, I don't care about being fat, but I'm not suprised that they make you fatter anyway. Most diet foods do(I have not ever cared about my weight, so no I do not know this from personal experience.).

Well thats bullshit

if someone came up to you and said, I WILL MAKE YOU INSTANTLY THIN

i think you'd probably go for it

I mean lets list the advantages of being fat shall we:

- Early Grave
- You'll have bigger boobs than your girlfriend
- It's a struggle to get onto an aeroplane
- Comedy movies aren't as good when they are taking the piss out of a character just like you
- You may be tempted to eat your comrades

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actually these pictures explain quite a lot. He's just a punk kid. No need to get all steamed up about his post anymore and no reason to take him serious, and I can now understand why KW was so pissed at him. Most kids his age think the same way. I can't believe I actually got offended by his comments about my country in some other post of his, now i can take it more lightly because he's just a punk kid that doesn't know any better and just takes everything for granted.
I'm not fat, never have been, probably never will be.

Everything is bullshit, live for yourself.

Oh and fuck arse wank cock etc.


Just trying to catch up with the last 3 pages.


Anyway I did a little more reading on the new rev controller, seeing as the PS3/360 graphics and power war is doing my head in, the novelty of this stunning control method is incredibly appealing. Kind of like eyetoy and mouse accuracy all rolled into one.
Nintendos new slogan should be:

Buy Nintendos system, use Nintendos controller, play Nintendos games. Seriously play our games, they're the only ones going to be available for this system.

I still think 3rd party support is going to be very lacking for this system based on the controller. I predict your going to see the majority of Nintendos games sales based on the retro games that can be downloaded.
mattmagoo posted on Sep 19 2005 at 06:02 AM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 01:26 AM said:
LOL, I would never try slim fast. Like I already said, I don't care about being fat, but I'm not suprised that they make you fatter anyway. Most diet foods do(I have not ever cared about my weight, so no I do not know this from personal experience.).

Well thats bullshit

if someone came up to you and said, I WILL MAKE YOU INSTANTLY THIN

i think you'd probably go for it

I mean lets list the advantages of being fat shall we:

- Early Grave
- You'll have bigger boobs than your girlfriend
- It's a struggle to get onto an aeroplane
- Comedy movies aren't as good when they are taking the piss out of a character just like you
- You may be tempted to eat your comrades

MattMagoo says...: "I wouldn't want to be fat. Therefore, Magus cares about being fat. He must care, because I would care, and he is clearly my clone."

Angel posted on Sep 19 2005 at 10:11 AM said:
actually these pictures explain quite a lot. He's just a punk kid. No need to get all steamed up about his post anymore and no reason to take him serious, and I can now understand why KW was so pissed at him. Most kids his age think the same way. I can't believe I actually got offended by his comments about my country in some other post of his, now i can take it more lightly because he's just a punk kid that doesn't know any better and just takes everything for granted.

"these pictures explain a lot..." yeah, they do. They explain that I have a digital camera and that someone was being a stupid fuckhead, so I decided to show what a stupid fuckhead he was. "most kids his age..." I'm not a kid, dipshit. The reason KickinWing got pissed off at me is because he didn't know the truth, and he thought I was making up a bunch of bullshit. He told me to read a history book when he was the dipshit who didn't know of anything America did during the Cold War.

How do I "not know any better"? any better than what? defending yourself when people like fishbong spew bullshit? I guess America is just stupid and doesn't know any better than to go after Osama Bin Laden after 9/11, right? Because we all know that's the most ridiculous thing you could ever possibly want to do... Hey, check it out, we have a new bullshit spewer, and his name is Angel. Seriously, do you stupid motherfuckers even think before you start typing? All you've done is spit out a cliche, and none of it even applies to the situation you're using it to describe. like... "Magus is younger than me. Therefore, he is a kid. Therefore, he is stupid, and doesn't know any better than to do something that I don't like, even though it's the most logical way to respond to the situation..."
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Magus 86 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 04:57 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on Sep 19 2005 at 06:02 AM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 01:26 AM said:
LOL, I would never try slim fast. Like I already said, I don't care about being fat, but I'm not suprised that they make you fatter anyway. Most diet foods do(I have not ever cared about my weight, so no I do not know this from personal experience.).

Well thats bullshit

if someone came up to you and said, I WILL MAKE YOU INSTANTLY THIN

i think you'd probably go for it

I mean lets list the advantages of being fat shall we:

- Early Grave
- You'll have bigger boobs than your girlfriend
- It's a struggle to get onto an aeroplane
- Comedy movies aren't as good when they are taking the piss out of a character just like you
- You may be tempted to eat your comrades

MattMagoo says...: "I wouldn't want to be fat. Therefore, Magus cares about being fat. He must care, because I would care, and he is clearly my clone."

Angel posted on Sep 19 2005 at 10:11 AM said:
actually these pictures explain quite a lot. He's just a punk kid. No need to get all steamed up about his post anymore and no reason to take him serious, and I can now understand why KW was so pissed at him. Most kids his age think the same way. I can't believe I actually got offended by his comments about my country in some other post of his, now i can take it more lightly because he's just a punk kid that doesn't know any better and just takes everything for granted.

"these pictures explain a lot..." yeah, they do. They explain that I have a digital camera and that someone was being a stupid fuckhead, so I decided to show what a stupid fuckhead he was. "most kids his age..." I'm not a kid, dipshit. The reason KickinWing got pissed off at me is because he didn't know the truth, and he thought I was making up a bunch of bullshit. He told me to read a history book when he was the dipshit who didn't know of anything America did during the Cold War.

How do I "not know any better"? any better than what? defending yourself when people like fishbong spew bullshit? I guess America is just stupid and doesn't know any better than to go after Osama Bin Laden after 9/11, right? Because we all know that's the most ridiculous thing you could ever possibly want to do... Hey, check it out, we have a new bullshit spewer, and his name is Angel. Seriously, do you stupid motherfuckers even think before you start typing? All you've done is spit out a cliche, and none of it even applies to the situation you're using it to describe. like... "Magus is younger than me. Therefore, he is a kid. Therefore, he is stupid, and doesn't know any better than to do something that I don't like, even though it's the most logical way to respond to the situation..."

hit the nail on the head really
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Nice to see this topic hasn`t strayed from the topic`s title. :P

I`ve look very hard, But i don`t see "Magus 86" "fat" or "flame" in the topic title. :rolleyes:

Angel posted on Sep 19 2005 at 02:17 PM said:
i think he proved my point himself.

I'm glad you made sure that what you said made sense; wouldn't want to say anything stupid would we?

All you did was try to think of something that might be witty; too bad it shows you are about as smart as a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Edit: I'm not fat, and if I ever become fat, i'll do something about it. That doesn't mean i'm gonna try to shove my opinion down everyone's throat because they think differently than I do.

Edit2: I think the Nintendo Revolution controller could be pretty cool if they used it well. It DOES look pretty fucked up though.
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Viperman5686 posted on Sep 19 2005 at 10:06 PM said:
Edit2: I think the Nintendo Revolution controller could be pretty cool if they used it well. It DOES look pretty fucked up though.
WOOHOO! We're back on topic!

Here's how it breaks down in my opinion, the Nintendo Revolution controller is a fresh take on an old concept. Will it be a successful experiment? I think so. Will it be the end-all, be-all controller to change the industry forever? I think that the fact that Nintendo is producing a "classic shell" is proof that that's not going to happen. The Revolution controller has some undeniable strong points, however--namely the "3D pointing" and tilt sensitivity.

The NES, Master System (and etc) brought 8-bit, 2D gaming to the mainstream. The SNES and Genesis refined 2D with their powerful 16-bit processors; this advancement meant new possibilities for developers and new or refined genres.

Then came 3D with the Saturn, PSX, and N64. This was a gigantic step in gaming--more than enough to warrant the new generation. The DC, PS2, GC, and XBOX once again were refinements on the previous generation--vastly increased 3D capabilities, online multiplayer, and, once again, new possibilities in gaming.

With this new generation, we are basically seeing refinements of refinements. But, with the current gen already being so capable, I'm not sure if any new genres possibilies will really be created. Not that I'm opposed to the new next-gen consoles, but I just think it's nice Nintendo is trying make the the jump a bit more worthwhile with their controller that will certainly usher in new possibilies in game creation.

In time, I'm sure I'll own all three of these consoles, but forgive me for being most excited about Nintendo's Revolution. That's my two cents, and I'm sticking to it. B)
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Viperman5686 posted on Sep 20 2005 at 02:06 AM said:
Angel posted on Sep 19 2005 at 02:17 PM said:
i think he proved my point himself.

I'm glad you made sure that what you said made sense; wouldn't want to say anything stupid would we?

All you did was try to think of something that might be witty; too bad it shows you are about as smart as a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Edit: I'm not fat, and if I ever become fat, i'll do something about it. That doesn't mean i'm gonna try to shove my opinion down everyone's throat because they think differently than I do.

Edit2: I think the Nintendo Revolution controller could be pretty cool if they used it well. It DOES look pretty fucked up though.

How, he proved my point of being an immature punk kid by going off on his rant, and by every other rant he does, which is almost every post. Before i used to get mad about it, especially his posts about the United States, the country he lives in, being like the worst place on the planet. I consider myself a patriot, i love my country, and consider to be damn lucky i live in a country like the US. but yet he bad mouthed it up and down and offended myself and i'm sure other people from the US that visit these boards, but now i don't really care now that I know he's just a kid, alot of kids his age are just punks, once he matures, i'm sure his tune will change.
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I don't really care now that I know he's just a kid, alot of kids his age are just punks, once he matures, i'm sure his tune will change.

Once you start saying things like that, you -know- you've become old and jaded ;)

Just messing with you.

[17 year old semi-patriot, love your country, stare slack jawed at your government at times. (You spent HOW MUCH of my money?)] :P
lol, i think alot older than I am me thinks. I agree with you, though, i don't agree with a lot of stuff going on or how things are being handled, but I still love my country, and i'm sure other people here from other countries would appreciate it and probably show the same love and patriotism for whatever country they are from. I know this because I was the same way when i was younger, took everything for granted, but now that i'm older, have a 40 hour a week job, just bought a house, getting married in a week, i would never think that way again, and will not take for granted the freedoms granted to me that many around the world are not as fortunate to receive
Angel posted on Sep 20 2005 at 05:33 PM said:
lol, i think alot older than I am me thinks. I agree with you, though, i don't agree with a lot of stuff going on or how things are being handled, but I still love my country, and i'm sure other people here from other countries would appreciate it and probably show the same love and patriotism for whatever country they are from. I know this because I was the same way when i was younger, took everything for granted, but now that i'm older, have a 40 hour a week job, just bought a house, getting married in a week, i would never think that way again, and will not take for granted the freedoms granted to me that many around the world are not as fortunate to receive

Congrats on the marriage
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