Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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another bad thing is its going to force developers to produce software specific to the Revolution. It seems more and more games are developed for all 3 systems. so will the devolopers that release Dead to Rights 5 release it for PS3, XBOX 360, and the revolution knowing they're going to have to reprogram most of the stuff just for a damn controller?? I see the revolution losing much software support from other companies.
... which means you'll be doomed to play Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong bullshit for the rest of your life if you stick with nintendo and their gimmicky bullshit. Revolution is the worst misnomer I've ever heard in my entire life. I wouldn't hate Nintendo so much if they actually revolutionized something and made actual innovations, but they don't. They recycle some bullshit from about 20 years ago and call it new and innovative when it really isn't. And to top it all off, as part of their awesome "innovation," they keep recycling the same fuckin characters. I'm sure Mario is, in addition to his infamous plumbing profession, a professional go-kart driver, baseball player, dancer, soccer player, fighter, and time traveler. He's apparently also an elite rescuer of some dumbassed princess who gets into trouble all the time. By the way, speaking of having to rescue a captured princess, how fucking cliche is that? "Innovation," my ass!
Magus 86 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:49 PM said:
declaration posted on Sep 16 2005 at 12:36 PM said:
how the fuck can any of you muppets slag this off for a gimmick if you've never even tried it and most of the responses of those who have are positive.


It's bullshit, that's why. Nintendo can eat shit and shove their new powerglove up their asses.

The analog thing looks like it could be the right size, now if it only vibrated :P
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Trying to bring it down to a more civil level...

The controller at best is ambidextrous so there's nothing to say you have to use your right hand for selecting with the Dpad. But the point is that it's limiting for the game we enjoy and play every day now. The amount of change Nintendo is expecting people to submit themselves to assumes you dont like the type of games that are currently contributing to a 600 million dollar (a guess, I'm sure it's far more) a year industry.

Nintendo's selling point is claiming they want to bring non gamers into gaming I honestly don't think this would do it unless they intend to make a game called "Channel Surfing."
Yes, I suppose it could be ambidextrous, but then my right thumb would be the one controlling the actual moving, and that would be weird too. I only ever use my right thumb to look around(SOCOM, TimeSplitters) or move the camera(Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel), so it'll still be awkward. And that's not even considering where the rest of the buttons are.
Going on Magus 86's point of how many functions you can put on a controller, if you are playing an FPS on the PS2 or Xbox, you have one stick for moving, and the other for looking. Without taking your thumb off the sticks, you only have access to 4(xbox)/6(ps2) firebuttons/functions. With the Revolution controller, you have the analogue stick for moving and two triggers for functions. With the main part, you can move/tilt to look around, have access to one trigger, the A button and the D-pad (count as four functions). I make that 8 functions/buttons that are reachable without losing the ability to move and look around at the same time.

Has anyone seen the 'promotional' video yet on IGN?
but unless you have 8" thumbs, you cannot possibly hit all those buttons with your thumb while holding it in your hand, the remote control looking thing.

I count 4 action buttons that are comfortable to reach, 6 if you don't mind stretching a bit, but all 8 i don't think would be possible whitout shimmying the remote up and down while playing.
Oh great, Magus's posting again.

You prefer wired controllers to wireless, and think the NES pad is a piece of genuis that beats every other pad other than the PSOne's. Mmmm.

I'm not even going to try and convince people why this will work, because you've clearly made up your minds that it's a gimmick. You haven't played it and won't give it the benefit of the doubt because you have it in your heads that it's a pointless innovation.

Gaming needs change to move forward. I've seen nothing to convince me that the Revolution style games can't run along side the normal style of gaming, which to me, after 15 or so years of gaming is becoming stale fast.
It wouldn't be 8 functions because for zooming you have to have 2 buttons. One that zooms in, and another that zooms out. The same goes for changing weapons. You want to be able to scroll thru your stuff both ways. the d-pad's probably the best place to assign those things. Both parts of Zooming = one function, and both parts of switching weapons = one function. Even if it's not, PS2 still has more buttons(and more that are accessible, and more easily accessible) And with the PS2, you don't have to take your hands off of the analog sticks to reach the d-pad or regular buttons anyway, you can use your index fingers for that while your thumbs are on the sticks. And that's not even considering the awkward setup of the revolution's controller.

by the way, before anybody does, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm supporting Sony thru this crap either. They're being dumb with the PSP, and they're just continuing the ongoing stupid emphasis on graphics and not actual gameplay. And I've never liked Microsoft. So as far as I'm concerned, this next generation doesn't even exist. It's gonna be loaded with bullshit, and Nintendo's new controller just makes it worse. The only reason I'm comparing the revolution controller to the PS2's is because you mentioned PS2 first, and also because it's the controller I'm the most familiar with.

I'm gonna go play some Twisted Metal II now and remember a time when games weren't judged by just graphics or gimmicks.
Angel posted on Sep 16 2005 at 05:23 PM said:
but unless you have 8" thumbs, you cannot possibly hit all those buttons with your thumb while holding it in your hand, the remote control looking thing.

I count 4 action buttons that are comfortable to reach, 6 if you don't mind stretching a bit, but all 8 i don't think would be possible whitout shimmying the remote up and down while playing.
Even leaving out the A button that still 7 buttons. 4 on the D pad, 2 triggers on the underside of the analogue stick and another trigger on the underside of the 'remote controller'.

you can *just* see the two triggers in this picture (it's more obvoius in the video)

It wouldn't be 8 functions because for zooming you have to have 2 buttons. One that zooms in, and another that zooms out. The same goes for changing weapons. You want to be able to scroll thru your stuff both ways. the d-pad's probably the best place to assign those things. Both parts of Zooming = one function, and both parts of switching weapons = one function.
That is assuming that the D pad is used for that function. Zooming for example could be done by holding 1 button down and tilting the motion controller back and forth. Same impies with the changing weapons.
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All your comment still doesnt disguise the fact that you can't say it won't be good untill you have tried it.

Also you guys seem distraught that this might make games developers actually make original content rather than churning out the same bullshit on all three consoles.
Lots more game companies are capable of it than yuou might think as we have seen with the DS.

Also you might be trying to assert your insecure maturity with your Nintendo hating, but some of us are actually too mature to care and can actually recognise gaming genius when we see it. And I see plenty in the Mario, Zelda etc games.
Mark posted on Sep 16 2005 at 01:25 PM said:
Oh great, Magus's posting again.

You prefer wired controllers to wireless, and think the NES pad is a piece of genuis that beats every other pad other than the PSOne's. Mmmm.

I'm not even going to try and convince people why this will work, because you've clearly made up your minds that it's a gimmick. You haven't played it and won't give it the benefit of the doubt because you have it in your heads that it's a pointless innovation.

Gaming needs change to move forward. I've seen nothing to convince me that the Revolution style games can't run along side the normal style of gaming, which to me, after 15 or so years of gaming is becoming stale fast.

Oh great, Mark's being an ignorant dumbass again.

Yeah, I prefer wired controllers to wireless ones cuz I can play whenever the fuck I want without worrying about the batteries not being charged, and also because the maximum range of Nintendo's next brilliant abomination's controller is 15 feet. Like I already explained, the PS2 controller with the extension cord is at least that long, and the extension cord cost me about $2.50. Hmm, let's see... controllers are now like $30, which is retarded, but $30.00 + $2.50 = $32.50. You know damn well Nintendo's gonna charge at least $40 for their awesomely "innovative" controllers, and then just to make it somewhat normal, you'll have to spend probably another $15 on that dumbassed analog stick and trigger add-on. That's fucking retarded.

In addition to that, I don't think the NES controller is "a piece of genius," but it's definitely practical. Excuse me for being a bit nostalgic and liking something old. I never said it was the best, either. I simply said I like my retrocon a lot, which happens to be based on the NES controller shape... way to jump to conclusions there and put words in my mouth, jackass.

No, it's not a pointless "innovation." It's not an innovation at all, you idiot, it's a recycled gimmick from at least 15 years ago. It was a gimmick back then, and it's a gimmick now. And it won't make the games more fun or easier to play, so it serves no purpose. It's a useless recycled gimmick. It's what Nintendo's been doing since they made the N64, and I'm fucking sick of it. If you have a problem with me calling things as they are, then you can go ahead and have yourself a nice big bowl of shit.
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declaration posted on Sep 16 2005 at 05:33 PM said:
All your comment still doesnt disguise the fact that you can't say it won't be good untill you have tried it.

Also you guys seem distraught that this might make games developers actually make original content rather than churning out the same bullshit on all three consoles.
Lots more game companies are capable of it than yuou might think as we have seen with the DS.

Also you might be trying to assert your insecure maturity with your Nintendo hating, but some of us are actually too mature to care and can actually recognise gaming genius when we see it. And I see plenty in the Mario, Zelda etc games.
The DS is a bit of moot point as multi-platform games are pretty much impossible on the handheld market at the moment so either they make it for the DS or the PSP. Both doesn't quite cut it.

As for the gimmick point, yes it was a gimmick 15 years ago with the Power Glove but now we have the technology to make more then a gimmick and make it work. Mega CD, the CD part was a gimmick, no one made full use of it until later when technology was better.
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yaustar posted on Sep 16 2005 at 01:29 PM said:
Angel posted on Sep 16 2005 at 05:23 PM said:
but unless you have 8" thumbs, you cannot possibly hit all those buttons with your thumb while holding it in your hand, the remote control looking thing.

I count 4 action buttons that are comfortable to reach, 6 if you don't mind stretching a bit, but all 8 i don't think would be possible whitout shimmying the remote up and down while playing.
Even leaving out the A button that still 7 buttons. 4 on the D pad, 2 triggers on the underside of the analogue stick and another trigger on the underside of the 'remote controller'.

you can *just* see the two triggers in this picture (it's more obvoius in the video)

It wouldn't be 8 functions because for zooming you have to have 2 buttons. One that zooms in, and another that zooms out. The same goes for changing weapons. You want to be able to scroll thru your stuff both ways. the d-pad's probably the best place to assign those things. Both parts of Zooming = one function, and both parts of switching weapons = one function.
That is assuming that the D pad is used for that function. Zooming for example could be done by holding 1 button down and tilting the motion controller back and forth. Same impies with the changing weapons.

That would make it take longer, and it would be impractical. And then the A button or whatever button they decide to use for zooming or switching weapons wouldn't be able to be used for anything else unless it's only used in button combos. If they try to use is in combos like that AND as a regular button that just does something, then if you don't tilt it quickly enough, you'd do something you didn't want to and screw everything up.
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Sorta reminds me of when DS was first showed. A lot of people sat there and said it'll be sit cause its a gimmick. Sales figures for that so far show that its not a gimmick and its something that makes games more accessible. On the revolution controller, I agree with Mark. U all seem to have made ur minds up bout it so wats the point trying to change that. Although maybe u should all remember this saying,' Dont judge a book by its cover.' Just cause it looks horrible doesnt mean it'll be shit. in fact quite the opposite according to the people at gamespot and ign and everywhere else. And wats with all this 'oh theres not enough face buttons to play games.' I mean come on. Maybe read wat Iwata said. there will be further plug-ins to put in one of which will have extra buttons for assholes who've grown up enjoying the crapness of ps2 controllers and wont accept a change. As for Third party support, yeh it may deter many companies but the companies who will bring games to revolution will make their games refreshing and innovative and not just rehash the usual stuff which is wat will happen to the ps3 and xbox360. and as for sonic not being on revolution, dont hold ur breath. Sega WILL bring it to revolution and that is almost guaranteed. Theres my opinion. Take it as u like but one thing u'll need to learn quick is get used to the change as its not all bout graphics and power.
What are you complaining about anyway?

Why do you so desperately want a third console which will just offer the same third party games as the other two rather than one which genuinely offers something different to the competition.
declaration posted on Sep 16 2005 at 01:33 PM said:
All your comment still doesnt disguise the fact that you can't say it won't be good untill you have tried it.

Also you guys seem distraught that this might make games developers actually make original content rather than churning out the same bullshit on all three consoles.
Lots more game companies are capable of it than yuou might think as we have seen with the DS.

Also you might be trying to assert your insecure maturity with your Nintendo hating, but some of us are actually too mature to care and can actually recognise gaming genius when we see it. And I see plenty in the Mario, Zelda etc games.

Yeah, I'm all about asserting my "insecure maturity" with my Nintendo hating... That's why I still play Bubble Bobble, right? There can't be a simple reason like me just not liking the stupid shit(which is the same old shit anyway, you stupid asshole) Nintendo makes, no, definitely not. it has to be something rooted deeply in my psyche, like an insecurity about my maturity... Yes, good job, you fucking psychiatrist. Go eat some shit.

"gaming genius," indeed. They are so smart, they can't be bothered to make new characters that aren't 20 fucking years old. Nice "innovatoin." Yeah, I really want the same shit over and over again, that's why I'm so pissed that there won't be anymore games like Twisted Metal 2, because you know that's just all that anybody makes anymore, right? What the fuck is this new shit possibly going to give us? WE CAN FISH!?!?!? OMFG, STOP THE PRESSES, THAT IS TEH AWESOME!!! I REALLY want to sit down on the couch to fish when I fucking hate fishing in real life... GOOD CALL!

You see plenty of gaming genius in the Zelda games? Zelda 1 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 2 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 3 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Am I the only one detecting a pattern here?

Yes, I can say that it won't be good because all they've done is recycled old bullshit. The old bullshit wasn't any good, and this won't be either.
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Magus 86 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 05:37 PM said:
That would make it take longer, and it would be impractical. And then the A button or whatever button they decide to use for zooming or switching weapons wouldn't be able to be used for anything else unless it's only used in button combos. If they try to use is in combos like that AND as a regular button that just does something, then if you don't tilt it quickly enough, you'd do something you didn't want to and screw everything up.
I cant see how that would take longer. Hold a button down and tilt the controller forward and back. It's just like holding a mouse button and moving the mouse back and forward to zoom in and out in some FPS PC games.

You see plenty of gaming genius in the Zelda games? Zelda 1 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 2 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 3 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Am I the only one detecting a pattern here?
Twisted metal series: Drive around and shoot the crap out of each other.
Halo series: Walk/drive/fly aaround shooting crap out of stuff
Street Fighter Series: Beat the crap out of each other.
.. you get the idea...

When games are broken down to the core elements of course all the games in the genre are the same. It's the way it's presented and experience that matters. Comparing Zelda 1 and 3, you have things like the Light and Dark world, more interaction with NPCs etc.
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declaration posted on Sep 16 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
What are you complaining about anyway?

Why do you so desperately want a third console which will just offer the same third party games as the other two rather than one which genuinely offers something different to the competition.

I don't. I want a party that makes things that are actually practical. Like I already said, Sony's pissing me off because they only seem to care about graphics and power now rather than how good the games actually are, I've never liked Microsoft, and Nintendo's just continuing their bullshit gimmicky ways. It all sucks. I'd rather have a 3rd SIMILAR company that doesn't just recycle old shit and call it new and "innovative" when it clearly isn't.

And by the way, Ganepark, sales don't prove shit as far as whether or not something is a gimmick. All that proves is that the gimmick is working. People see something that hasn't been done in the exact same way it's being done now(even though it's very similar to things we've seen before), and they're like "ooh, that looks new, I wanna try it." so they go ahead and try it... Once it's bought, it will be counted as a sale, whether the person is happy with it or not. And even if someone is happy with it, it doesn't change the fact that it's a gimmick. The 2 screens serve no special purpose we didn't have before. Nintendogs is just a souped up tamagotchi pet, and the Revolution's controller is just a souped up Powerglove. Yeah, I know they said they'll release extra stuff you can add on to the controller, but that means you'll have to spend more money, and that's retarded. If they want to "innovate" and recycle old bullshit, that's fine, but then they shouldn't be calling it new or innovative, and they shouldn't fuckin force it on you.
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yaustar posted on Sep 16 2005 at 01:45 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 05:37 PM said:
That would make it take longer, and it would be impractical. And then the A button or whatever button they decide to use for zooming or switching weapons wouldn't be able to be used for anything else unless it's only used in button combos. If they try to use is in combos like that AND as a regular button that just does something, then if you don't tilt it quickly enough, you'd do something you didn't want to and screw everything up.
I cant see how that would take longer. Hold a button down and tilt the controller forward and back. It's just like holding a mouse button and moving the mouse back and forward to zoom in and out in some FPS PC games.

You see plenty of gaming genius in the Zelda games? Zelda 1 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 2 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Zelda 3 objective: collect shit, save a princess/kingdom, defeat Ganon. Am I the only one detecting a pattern here?
Twisted metal series: Drive around and shoot the crap out of each other.
Halo series: Walk/drive/fly aaround shooting crap out of stuff
Street Fighter Series: Beat the crap out of each other.
.. you get the idea...

When games are broken down to the core elements of course all the games in the genre are the same. It's the way it's presented and experience that matters. Comparing Zelda 1 and 3, you have things like the Light and Dark world, more interaction with NPCs etc.

Well, first of all, I've never seen a game set up that way, and that would keep you from being able to look around while you're zooming then. You'd have to look straight ahead while changing how much you're zooming.

Ah, yes, the Twisted Metal series is the same in a similar way, but there are other things that are changed as well, and the only one I really like is #2 anyway. Every other one had stupid things changed that made it not feel the same, and it wasn't as fun. And for the record, I'm not too fond of Street Fighter either, they're all rehashes. But the way Zelda is set up is exactly the same. Yes, there's more NPC interaction in #3 than in #1, but the way in which you do everything is exactly the same, and there isn't a huge difference in the story other than the fact that you're given a lot more information. And the difference between light and dark world isn't that great either. I LOVE Zelda 3, don't get me wrong... but it is essentially the same crap over and over again. With Twisted Metal, each car is different. Each one requires a different strategy to be successful, so you don't play the same way with every car. There's more variation within the one game. with zelda, you're the same character the entire time, and while you find new items throughout the game that let you do different things(shooting an arrow instead of swinging a sword, shooting the hookshot instead of walking or running), you keep getting a bunch of the same items in every game, and the new ones aren't anything hugely different. But the difference between how you'd play with Twisted from Twisted Metal 2 and how you'd play with Mr. Slam is drastic. And there's also background stories about the drivers too.
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