Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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but playing games that use multiple action buttons looks impossible. nobody has thumbs large enough to hit all those buttons comfortably if a game needs more than 2 buttons.
Twinbee posted on Sep 16 2005 at 03:44 PM said:
It's not ABOUT existing genres and the same way we play games today. It's about creating NEW ones.

Which means a severe lack of games for that thing.

If it's about creating new franchises then Nintendo better have alot of ideas stockpiled. Just look at the Nintendo DS, 3rd partys have no creativity in the slightest, instead of creating new franchises they just create a standard game then make you select attacks on the touch screen or whatever, so you can't count on them.

So all we'll be left with is a few short innovative Nintendo games, a load of NES roms, some lazy licenced kids junk with shoddy controls and some ports that won't work with the controller at all.
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On the analog plugin, there are two triggers underneath that - On the main controller, there's also a B trigger underneath aswell as the A button ontop, so that's 4 buttons easy to get to, aswell as the D-Pad.
Flipside posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:03 PM said:
Twinbee posted on Sep 16 2005 at 03:44 PM said:
It's not ABOUT existing genres and the same way we play games today. It's about creating NEW ones.

Which means a severe lack of games for that thing.

If it's about creating new franchises then Nintendo better have alot of ideas stockpiled. Just look at the Nintendo DS, 3rd partys have no creativity in the slightest, instead of creating new franchises they just create a standard game then make you select attacks on the touch screen or whatever, so you can't count on them.

So all we'll be left with is a few short innovative Nintendo games, a load of NES roms, some lazy licenced kids junk with shoddy controls and some ports that won't work with the controller at all.
The Nintendo DS is actually doing very, very successfully. I own more than twice as many games for it than I do for the PSP. There ARE quite a few innovative games on there that make comfortable use of the touch screen.

I do see what you mean about the whole 'severe lack of games' thing though. The thing about the DS was that you weren't FORCED to use the 'innovative' features, while with the revolution you sort of are.

I say 'sort of', as they have a 'classic style' plugin that will go into the bottom of the revolution controller that they'll be showing off soon. It's this that will allow it to play the older catalog of games.

All I can say, is that me and a lot of other people have had a lot of fun coming up with possibilities for this. Whether developers will aswell.... Well. I certainly fucking hope so!
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There's one action button. how the hell are you meant to pay older console games like n64 on that?
Goity posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:09 PM said:
There's one action button. how the hell are you meant to pay older console games like n64 on that?
4 action buttons.


“We’ll be showing the ‘Classic Style Expansion’ at some point in the future. This will be a unit into which the standard Revolution handset slides. This will create a wireless standard controller built to Nintendo’s usual high standards and will enable play for SNES, Nintendo 64 and other Revolution games – so we will have a great game pad too.”
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Two action buttons. A and B. And a plug in for the other two and a analog stick. The controller does turn 90 degrees for NES games but the "remote control" position makes hitting that A button next to impossible. I have the one handed controller:


And it's not as easy to use as it looks.

The expansion means more crap to buy. And yes if you thought the Gamecube had an appauling lack of games this will be ridiculous. Yeah you'll have a monster library of retro games but at best 5 or 6 worth while original titles a year unless they keep making GC titles simultaneously. Nintendo has be trying to force change in the industry for years, it's not going to change with this system either, it just makes it harder for this system to get the same games as the other guys and that means it's a niche system, and niche systems serve an incredibly limited market. There are a few cool DS games but how many of them are realy innovative? The Kirby game, maybe the Pacman one, feel the magic? most everything else could be done on any other system.

I presume they'll be reselling N64 controllers because it's one of the most difficult controllers to duplicate due to the button set up. You cant really even match it with the Game Cube controller. as for SNES there's always the GC hori retro controller but of course that's just making you buy more stuff. I really hope they pack more in there than just the plug in analog because it's going to need it.

Look, Revolution should mean something that other people want to copy. There's nothing that will make the other companies say "damn I wish we had that."
I haven't read this thread yet, just the first post... and I'm sure a lot of fanboys have already been like "OMFG, INNOVATION, NINTENDO IS TEH AWESOME!" But guess what.... THIS IS NOT NEW. THIS IS THE FUCKING POWER GLOVE WITHOUT CORDS AND IN A NEW SHAPE! THIS IS THE MOST RETARDED THING I HAVE EVER SEEN.

It's not "innovation," it's a stupid fucking gimmick. it's not "cool." All it does is make it more of a pain in the ass to play the new games because you'll have to get used to something different. Rather than spending time actually making games so they're not just giving us the same old shit, they spend about 8 years re-designing something that's almost as old as I am. WHAT THE FUCK? Reggie:"Imagine something that can play games from all of Nintendo's systems." As if that wasn't the most misleading comment ever made. What a fuckin douchebag. How the hell is this supposed to play everything? There aren't enough buttons for N64, and it looks like it's missing stuff even for gamecube, so how is it supposed to work? Just like the Powerglove, this is nothing but a pointless gimmick that won't change anything. Well, it will change something. Now instead of having the bullshit gimmick as an OPTION, you're FORCED to use it. Nintendo's worse than those damn Jehovas. At least the Jehovas don't force feed you their shit.


Well, holy shit... I'm suprised, this thread isn't full of fanboys praising Nintendo for being a bunch of fuckheads... I apologize for that fanboy comment. It seems I've misjudged your intelligence, which is a good thing.

Yeah, I realize that some people get sick of the same old crap after a while, and I do too. But the thing is... While I don't really want 8 billion sequels that just keep going and going, dragging out the series and making it boring and repetetive, I still like to play the old original ones, and a few sequels every now and then aren't so bad. Plus, the main selling point of this system was and still is the fact that you'll be able to download and play old games on it for a small fee... so if the controller doesn't fit the games, how are you supposed to play them? Simple... buy more of their shit. They're in it just for the money just like everybody else. This sucks. I don't want all new styles of gameplay... this isn't new anyway. This takes the worst aspects of using a mouse and keyboard and combines them with the worst aspects of using a controller to create a hideous beast that isn't new, isn't innovative, and is just giong to be awkward as hell. I have officially lost all faith in the commercial videogame industry. It's over. I give up completely. I'm holding onto my GP32, PSX, and PS2 until the day I die, and then they'll have to be pried out of my cold, dead hands... I wouldn't mind so much if Nintendo's "innovations" were actually new and innovative. They're GIMMICKS, and they're never new. the concept of exactly how they use it is new, but the general idea and device isn't.
and for anybody here that doesn't know how the power glove was used, basically you put it on and you had to put the sensors across the top of your tv and down the right side. you twist your hand right to move right, left to move left, move your hand up to jump, twitch fingers for a and b.

This sounds basically the same type of deal except there is not glove and no thing that goes over and down the tv.

BTW, the power glove was a miserable failure that only had i think 4-5 games made exclusively for it.
Yeah, but you could use it with any game you wanted to, and you could also program your own control schemes into it. It had some pre-programmed ones too that were made for specific types of games.
you are correct sir. I have one of these but can't use it because my tv is too big. The sensors don't fit over it. When i was a kid I only knew of 1 person that had an NES with powerglove, it never got used.

Anyway, i would think Sony and Microsoft should be happy about this.

I'm still waiting for a news story to break that this is a big hoax.
Magus 86 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 04:50 PM said:
I wouldn't mind so much if Nintendo's "innovations" were actually new and innovative. They're GIMMICKS, and they're never new. the concept of exactly how they use it is new, but the general idea and device isn't.

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement, everyone is drooling over how "innovative" the DS is, thing is the Tiger had a touchscreen ages before the DS was even thought of (wasn't it released about 8 years ago?) and Nintendo's own Game and Watches were launched in the 80s with some having 2 screens.

Funny thing is, if you mention the to a DS fanboy they just say "Oh well it didn't have any good games" and won't say anymore about it, it's games were awful and the touch screen was near useless but it still came first.
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hehe, we had one of those huge TVs surrounded by wood that sat on the floor, so it was definitely big enough to use, but the powerglove made the games harder. We didn't use it too often, and I think the sensor things are broken. Oh well, I still have the glove. I wonder what kind of reaction I'd get if I walked down the street wearing it...
probably the same reaction i'd get if i walked down the street with my dick hanging out.

Anyway, about the games in every genre sucked...except for 2. Board game/game show conversions, aka Wheel of Fortune, Scrabble, Jeopardy, these were all very good and the touch screen worked very well. The other was Casino games. Tiger Casino is a very fun game and the touch screen works well.

Nobody thinks about, knows about, or realizes that there are many of these games available for Most people just remember the Sonic, Fighters MegaMix, Indy 500, Mortal Kombat and the others and yes they suck hardcore.
how the fuck can any of you muppets slag this off for a gimmick if you've never even tried it and most of the responses of those who have are positive.

The reaction would be laughter and derisive gesturing... and this was back when it was NEW.

Yes, I do have one and beyond a few games like the ones featured in the commercial like Mike Tyson's Punch out it was useless. The sensor would spaz out randomly the motion detection would fall out of alignment if you didn't stay perfectly still all the time and it was too easy to walk of a cliff into a pit in most platform games.

The only good thing is it felt nice when you punched somethin.
don't hatin because this could be portrayed by definition as a gimmick and your rant was proved wrong.


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declaration posted on Sep 16 2005 at 12:36 PM said:
how the fuck can any of you muppets slag this off for a gimmick if you've never even tried it and most of the responses of those who have are positive.


Because that's what the hell it is. I don't have to try it to know it's a gimmick. It was a gimmick at least 15 years ago when it was called the fucking powerglove, and it's a gimmick now. It's not NEW, and it's not INNOVATIVE. In order for something to be innovative it has to be a new idea that nobody has ever used before, and it has to serve a purpose that actually matters. For instance, change just for the sake of change is in most cases not innovative because it doesn't make a difference. But it can become an innovation if it ends up doing some good. wireless controllers are a gimmick(they said range is only 15 feet max, my fucking PS2 extension cord is longer than that, fuck you, Nintendo), the powerglove was a gimmick... therefore a wireless powerglove-like remote control atrocity is also a gimmick. it's a bunch of bullshit. They FORCE an awkward gimmick bullshit controller on you and then make you buy extra shit so that you can use it like a regular controller, and it's still not right. I can tell just by looking at it that it would be awkward and uncomfortable as hell, and because it's not new and serves no purpose as far as making the games more easily controllable or more fun are concerned, so it's a damn gimmick. it fits right along with the shit Nintendo's been pulling since N64. Look at it this way... even if you buy that stupid extra piece with the shitty analog stick on it, you have one or two triggers on it, so you are now able to run around, fire a weapon, and one other function. Then you have the D-pad, which would feel really stupid to do basic functions with. The best option is to use it to zoom in and out and scroll thru weapons. And that would feel awkward to do with my right thumb because I've always used my left hand to control a d-pad on every single game system I've ever played. Then you're left with 2 buttons. The b trigger and the big A button on your right thumb. Okay... so what you can do so far is move, shoot, look, change weapons, zoom, activate objects and melee attack/secondary fire, but what about crouching, pausing the game, going prone, throwing grenades, melee attack/secondary fire(depending on whichever one is assigned to the few buttons you can actually reach), and anything else you would normally do in a first person shooter? Why don't they just give us a regular controller or a mouse and keyboard? It's bullshit, that's why. Nintendo can eat shit and shove their new powerglove up their asses.
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