The Importance Of Snes On Gp2x


Internal Development
Mar 4, 2004
I think if the GP2X had a good to near perfect SNES emulator for it the GP2X would sell like hotcakes. GBA would be too but I am not sure yet if the GP2X is strong enough to do that very well.

There are many other emus that are popular like the brilliant DrMD. Those will be significant as well.

It seems though that SNES is the holy grail of emus. Any system that can do a decent SNES gets ALOT of attention from MANY scenes. A portable SNES would be HOT. I think if the second ARM can be used well for SNES we may be able to get near perfect even perfect SNES if alot of ASM is used. The GP2X has a perfect SNES button layout and is SCREAMING for a SNES emu to be put on it. The hardware is there.

So what to do? The SNES team responsible for the best one on the GP32 has gone to PSP developement. Who can do one for the GP2X now? Maybe we should put some kind of "bounty" out for SNES. Maybe we can all donate some cash and someone like Craig could hold a SNES GP2X compo and the best running SNES emu would get the donated money or something. A second compo could be held a bit later for the most updated SNES emu out of those and get more prizes. This would encourage the project to be improved and not be abandoned after the first version.

Any other ideas? A good SNES emu would certainly make the future bright for the GP2X.

I agree 100% with you. Even if there is "just" a SNES-emu which runs only the half of all availabel SNES-games in fullspeed would be a system-seller.

But wasn't there somewhere spoken that someone is already working on an SNES-Emu??

I only really want the gpx2 for snes.

Am not really happy with a gba system, if you want to play GBA games, buy them from whsmiths.

7th Saga
Breath of Fire 1
Breath of Fire 2
Chrono Trigger
Dragon View
Dungeon Master
Earthbound (Mother 2)
Estopolis 1 (Lufia & the Fortress of Doom)
Estopolis 2 (Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals)
E.V.O. Search for Eden
Eye of the Beholder
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Front Mission 1
Illusion of Gaia (Soul Blazer 2) (Illusion of Time)
Illusion of Time (Soul Blazer 2) (Illusion of Gaia)
Inindo: Way of the Ninja
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (Estopolis 1)
Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals (Estopolis 2)
Might & Magic 3: Isles of Terra
Mother 2 (Earthbound)
Romancing Saga 3
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2)
Secret of the Stars
Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana)
Soul Blazer
Soul Blazer 2 (Illusion of Gaia) (Illusion of Time)
Soul Blazer 3 (Terranigma)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Terranigma (Soul Blazer 3)
Ultima 6: The False Prophet
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2
Uncharted Waters
Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons
Wizardry 5: Heart of the Maelstrom
7th Saga 2 (Possibly)
Bahamut Lagoon
DBZ: Legend of the Super Saiyan
Dragon Quest 1
Dragon Quest 2
Dragon Quest 5
Dragon Quest 6 (Possibly)
Dual Orb 2
Feda: Emblem of Justice
Final Fantasy 5
Live a Live
Magic Knight RayEarth
Rudora no Hihou (Treasure of the Rudras)
Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2)
Star Ocean
Tales of Phantasia
The Violinist of Hameln
Treasure of the Rudras (Rudora no Hihou)
Wonder Project
Ys 4: Mask of the Sun
Brain Lord
Front Mission 2
King Arthur & the Knights of Justice
Ogre Battle
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
Ys 3: Wanderers from Ys
Good choices rabbitswithhats, but all those rpg's make the nerd stereotype here even more appearant.

P.S. Wasn't the GBC as fun if not more fun than the Snes?
OMars posted on Sep 5 2005 at 08:16 PM said:
Good choices rabbitswithhats, but all those rpg's make the nerd stereotype here even more appearant.

P.S. Wasn't the GBC as fun if not more fun than the Snes?

He he he I stole that list from a site I found. :)
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Magus 86 posted on Sep 5 2005 at 01:19 PM said:

For which part the "Great List", "Nerd Stereotype", Or the "GBC rules the Super Nintendo " part :P .

P.S. Sorry if I offended you, but there are just a lot of good games for the GBC.
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Yuglooc posted on Sep 5 2005 at 06:52 PM said:
I really do think Craig and GPH has a ace up their sleeves on this matter. So I wouldn't worry.

Maybe maybe not.

I just thought there should be something more pro-active than the usual "wait and hope" strategy.
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OMars posted on Sep 5 2005 at 07:27 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 5 2005 at 01:19 PM said:

For which part the "Great List", "Nerd Stereotype", Or the "GBC rules the Super Nintendo " part :P .

P.S. Sorry if I offended you, but there are just a lot of good games for the GBC.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the "GBC rules the Super Nintendo" part. And, while the gbc is good, the snes DEFINITELY has better games for it.
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Basically SNES is what would make me buy the Gp2x. I see no point in upgrading otherwise except for the geek factor of owning another lesser known handheld.
If it makes a few more games playable in MAME then maybe but SNES is really what I'm looking for.
The GP2X definately needs a *killer app* to show its strength over the GP32(Its biggest competitor IMO) whether or not this will be SNES emulation is another matter.
I'm interested in porting an SNES emu to the GP2X. It's certainly possible with what we know so far. I'm sure there are other people that know more about it than I do and whatnot, but I see it as personally possible and I intend to.
The three killer apps for the GP2x are definitly SNES, Amiga (that emulator just released for the Dreamcast is pretty neat), and NeoGeo (CD).

I think SNES and NeoGeo(CD) are a sure bet, but Amiga would rule because it adds the strategy games not present on anything other than CaSTaway (but not as good).

But Chui just mentioned that he thinks PSone might be doable on the GP2x, and that would definitly be a fourth killer app if ever realized.