Combining Gp2x & Psp

Vimacs posted on Sep 5 2005 at 09:03 AM said:
psp is 249€, a imported gp2x (with taxes) is about 170€ a nds is about 140€.
all prices +-10€

I'm actually surprised nobody has done the obvious and added the price of a memory stick

in pounds(real money)

PSP £180 + 1GB Memory Stick £75 = £255

GP2X £120 + 1GB Memory Stick £35 = £155

In reality most sites I have just looked at don't do 1GB, 512mb seems to be the norm for memory sticks.

I personally wouldn't want to buy anything under 1GB(I wouldn't mind something the size of a CD but 512mb is shy of that by many MB)

I expect to get at least 2x Secure Digital at launch so the GPX2 is already looking half the price of the PSP and I suspect, by the time I have had it a while, I'll have at least 6, and I will be buying 4GB when they become available!

The PSP is beautiful, and I know you can save bits of money on importing, but it still gets expensive very quickly. The GP2X by comparison is very cheap, and for what I would use both devices for, the PSP offers very little in terms real benefit.

I will look at the PSP with a twinge of jealousy, but will be able to comfort myself on the fact, that I'd saved the cost of a small flatscreen TV or PS3 or 15 commercial games on my PC or a new fridge.
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zenocha posted on Sep 5 2005 at 02:00 AM said:
Also someone mentioned upgrading the firmware to play commercial games. wab have also released a tool which fools the game into thinking you have a higher firmware version than you do, so currently psp homebrew is looking pretty good.

The problem is that when the firmware starts having updates that the game requires, like a new graphics thing, or better online play. You will tottally crash your game, not be able to do somethings, or the game will not work.

I am staying away fromt the psp because of high cost of console and media (who wants to buy UMD movies?), high priced games, poor video resolutions, bad games, the systems black body sumdges (have you ever seen a person wipe off the console body and not the screen, yeah I kid carried a cloth around for the console!) and poor homebrew support.

Just get a Nintendo DS and a GP2X, best of both worlds and does not hurt your wallet.
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Today I got a PSP, it looks shiny (thats not a pro) but the screen is awsome and the psp has to many buttons. I don't have any games yet because they are so expensive and the memorysticks aren't that cheap also. Its a PSP with the 1.52 firmware on it, I'm going to 2.0 so I can do internet-browsing at least.

I hope the GP2X will make us proud, and I will buy one instantly. I like programming for my GP32, and hope the GP2X will be even better.

Getting a DS was also a option, but I don't like the games. I don't know why that is, because some games are really new with all those stylus options and all. Maybe because its still a bit childish, or the graphics don't impress me as much as the psp's (graphics don't make a game, but its still a factor).

Now my task will be waiting for a cool game to be released for the PSP, because not all games are available in Europe yet. And those that are, are mostly based on graphics and not gameplay (NFSU2/Wipeout).
I own a PSP and think its a great machine if you want to play commercial games, I own Mercury,Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout and Ridge Racer and they are all fantastic games and worthy of a purchase, like the Ps1 and Ps2 the early games are always generally ports with minimal originality (Besides Mercury) but there are going to be some fantastic releases in the next few months and beyond, The Gp32/GP2x is not going to compare to anything that Sonys Baby will be doing in the future, Homebrew and emulation isnt half bad either and will definitely exceed the excellent GP32 in that department.

I dont know much about the GP2x but if it can do decent Amiga Emulation and some more modern Mame games then I'll probably get one of them too but it all depends on the coders that do this all for free and in there own time, whereas the PSP coders can all go home happy knowing they are getting paid regardless.

sorry to waffle but i dont post here often but like to have my say every now and again lol

If you can afford the lot then there is no dilemma, otherwise get the PSP if you can afford it because you are guaranteed decent games and eventually Homebrew/Emulation will be perfect i'm sure.

I havent mentioned the DS because I have no intention of getting one
JaseDaMase posted on Sep 5 2005 at 06:24 PM said:
I own a PSP and think its a great machine if you want to play commercial games, I own Mercury,Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout and Ridge Racer and they are all fantastic games and worthy of a purchase, like the Ps1 and Ps2 the early games are always generally ports with minimal originality (Besides Mercury) but there are going to be some fantastic releases in the next few months and beyond, The Gp32/GP2x is not going to compare to anything that Sonys Baby will be doing in the future, Homebrew and emulation isnt half bad either and will definitely exceed the excellent GP32 in that department.

I dont know much about the GP2x but if it can do decent Amiga Emulation and some more modern Mame games then I'll probably get one of them too but it all depends on the coders that do this all for free and in there own time, whereas the PSP coders can all go home happy knowing they are getting paid regardless.

sorry to waffle but i dont post here often but like to have my say every now and again lol

If you can afford the lot then there is no dilemma, otherwise get the PSP if you can afford it because you are guaranteed decent games and eventually Homebrew/Emulation will be perfect i'm sure.

I havent mentioned the DS because I have no intention of getting one


The GPX2 will never ever compete for the crown of commerical gaming ever, everybody knows that. The PSP is a fantastic bit of kit. In the UK and I'm not one to quibble, you have spent on your PSP to date £320. If I was going to spend that kind of money on gaming I'd put my money into something else.(Like a PS3 of a super ninja graphics cards).

On the emulation/ports I will expect you to see very little difference between the two, there being only a limited number of systems to emulate and only so many ports od comercial games. The cost of storage alone, twinned with sony being fanatical about DRM. Will actually make it cheaper, and easier if you want these to have both.

BTW. Homebew and Porters do not get paid on the PSP.
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reallynotnick posted on Sep 5 2005 at 11:23 PM said:
Why the heck would you buy a psp without any games? What is it good for, using it as a mirror?

Ever used any emus on PSP? They're amazing, much better than their equivalenst on Gp32 or Zodiac. NeoGeoCD, Turbografx-16/PCE & PCE-CD, SNES, GBC, NES - all emulated near perfectly on PSP. PSP is currently the best emu system around. But the cat&mouse firmware game with Sony, the PSP's less than stellar controls (diagonals suck) and the extremely lame scene (tons of kiddies) make the GPX2 look very nice in comparison. But PSP has the most impressive handheld emus I ever saw (NeoGeoCD in particular).

Also, I think PSP is worth owning alongside the GPx2. PSP is ideal for fancy 3D games, GPx2 is ideal for emus and 2D.
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Prophet posted on Sep 5 2005 at 11:28 PM said:
reallynotnick posted on Sep 5 2005 at 11:23 PM said:
Why the heck would you buy a psp without any games? What is it good for, using it as a mirror?

Ever used any emus on PSP? They're amazing, much better than their equivalenst on Gp32 or Zodiac. NeoGeoCD, Turbografx-16/PCE & PCE-CD, SNES, GBC, NES - all emulated near perfectly on PSP. PSP is currently the best emu system around. But the cat&mouse firmware game with Sony, the PSP's less than stellar controls (diagonals suck) and the extremely lame scene (tons of kiddies) make the GPX2 look very nice in comparison. But PSP has the most impressive handheld emus I ever saw (NeoGeoCD in particular).

Also, I think PSP is worth owning alongside the GPx2. PSP is ideal for fancy 3D games, GPx2 is ideal for emus and 2D.

not near perfect, but good, right? that's what i thought of it. i agree with the rest, the psp falls a little short of being the perfect handheld. while i had my psp all i only enjoyed a couple games like wipeout, mga, and lumines. the rest to me were so-so, and it didn't look like there was much to come.
still, ti's a good system.
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not near perfect, but good, right? that's what i thought of it.

No, I mean near perfect. Not sure what emus you're using, but NeoGeoCD is definitely near perfect, same for NesterJ, Rin and HuE.

SNESTYL is superb as well, but less "near perfect" than the others perhaps. Still, it's the best SNES emu on any handheld game system. Many games even run at 0 - 1 frameskip all with full transparency and sound.
neogeocd was near perfect for me, but snes was definitely not near perfect.
with the neogeo cd emulator i could play games like windjammers full speed, but last blade 2 was a bit choppy for me. but yeah, this and other emulators like PSPGenesis run really good.
what annoyed me though was the screen stretching and ultra crap ps dpad.
reallynotnick posted on Sep 5 2005 at 11:23 PM said:
Why the heck would you buy a psp without any games? What is it good for, using it as a mirror?

When sarcasm reveals your ignorance you should stop posting.
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I think he asked the question more due to the fact that it was said he was going to upgrade to 2.0, yet the question still looses strength as he will gain the web browser and still have the option to watch videos provided he has a memory stick.
If that were really true why bother mentioning emulators on the PSP. My reply was to JaseDaMase who makes no mention of firmware. If a firware upgrade is seriously considered why should it even be mentioned here. The second anybody uses a PSP as Sony indends it to be used its a not relevent to the GP2X, its a different toy.
reallynotnick posted on Sep 5 2005 at 11:23 PM said:
Why the heck would you buy a psp without any games? What is it good for, using it as a mirror?

Euro release was 1 September 2005, so it isn't that weird. It only featured like 6 games for now, other games aren't in (all) the shops yet.

And yes, its a mirror now :P also a MP3 player and a wireless internet browser.
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Alpha2 posted on Sep 6 2005 at 03:02 AM said:
I think he asked the question more due to the fact that it was said he was going to upgrade to 2.0, yet the question still looses strength as he will gain the web browser and still have the option to watch videos provided he has a memory stick.

Yes thats what I mean, but he never said he was buying a bigger card. He mentioned they were very expensive. And that 32mb card is not good for anything but maybe 8 mp3s or game saves. You really can't fit any video on there, so really it is just a web-browser right now.
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I think most people understand that the 32mb stick isn't good for much other than a few games saves. Everyone at some point is going to up grade to a larger stick but that dosent mean you have to wait untill you have the money to do so in order to get a PSP.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 6 2005 at 09:36 PM said:
I think most people understand that the 32mb stick isn't good for much other than a few games saves. Everyone at some point is going to up grade to a larger stick but that dosent mean you have to wait untill you have the money to do so in order to get a PSP.

Jesus, I'm speechless
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